{"id":9220,"date":"2015-05-13T07:28:13","date_gmt":"2015-05-13T07:28:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/?page_id=9220"},"modified":"2023-05-22T01:45:19","modified_gmt":"2016-01-04T11:23:45","slug":"charsadda","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/crss.pk\/young-democrats-academy\/charsadda\/","title":{"rendered":"Charsadda"},"content":{"rendered":"<p><strong>Aired on: December\u00a005, 2015<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/9HpAhP\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/9HpAhP<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170519.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-11276 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170519-300x169.jpg\" alt=\"20151205_170519\" width=\"300\" height=\"169\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170519-300x169.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170519-1024x576.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170519-900x506.jpg 900w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a>\u00a0 \u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170533.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-11277 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170533-300x169.jpg\" alt=\"20151205_170533\" width=\"300\" height=\"169\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170533-300x169.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170533-1024x576.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151205_170533-900x506.jpg 900w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><br \/>\n<strong>Constituency:<\/strong> PK-21, Charsadda-V Province: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa<br \/>\n<strong>Parliamentarian:<\/strong> Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Radio Station: Dilbar Radio<br \/>\n<strong>Topic:<\/strong> Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Moderated by:<\/strong> Mr. Shams Momand; co-hosted by Mr. Shahab ud Din<br \/>\n<strong>Field based research report by:<\/strong> Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<br \/>\n<strong>Date:<\/strong> Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of December 2015<br \/>\n(Aired on December 05, 2015)<br \/>\n<strong>Position:<\/strong> Eighth Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Outline<\/u><\/strong><strong>: <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt was the last show with the elected MPA from PK-21; Sikandar Khan Sherpao and telephone calls kept pouring in. Most of the problems reported and discussed remained somewhat the same as in the earlier programs, but people showed optimism, because their MPA was once again the senior minister of the province. The YDA member also briefed the listeners about his recent visit to Afghanistan and a couple of mega projects in his constituency. He appreciated the contributions of the CRSS for undertaking the initiative of CH; creating awareness among the public and attempting to solve the problems in his constituency.\u201d<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Transcription:<\/u><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, on behalf of CRSS, I am your host Shams Momand with the program \u201cDa Halqe Ganta (Constituency Hour)\u201d. I am also accompanied by my co-host who would introduce himself.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I am Shahab Ud Din, and hope that you all are doing well.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: You know well that we come with one program every month in Charsadda; where we invite the worthy political leader and a very young politician who is currently working as the senior Minister of KPK government; Mr. Sikandar Sherpao. Sir, I welcome you in the show.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Thank you very much.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Valued listeners, So far, the CRSS has aired eight programs including the present one from the district Charsadda as part of this series. I want to introduce CRSS to you because it is our last program today. CRSS is a Non-governmental organization. It was aimed with this programme to bring elected representatives face to face with their constituents, so that their local issues and problems could be discussed and resolved. There is another activity, carried out side by side with this program and run by Young Democrats Academy. They had established drop boxes at various places of the constituency, where complaints were received and put before Sikandar.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, you were briefed by Shams, and I may add that our prime objective was to make your MP available to you. CRSS made it possible to make Sikandar sit with you, to listen your problems. I would request today, that please call us on 0916515093; talk to Sikandar and give us your feedback about our effort. You may also tell us about any progress, that you have felt as a result of this program.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It is our last program; but we will try to continue our efforts, one way or the other to find a solution to your problems. I am really thankful to you, Mr. Sikandar. Although you have many responsibilities and commitments, but still you find time to be here with us. Could you please brief us about any progress and development, that has taken place during this program, and any problem that was identified had been resolved?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It was indeed a good effort by CRSS, and Young Democrats Academy. There were many people whom I could not have approached otherwise; but through this program, I came to know about them and their problems. I think MPs are answerable to their constituents, and such programs are essential where they face each other. There are occasions where an MP can explain his position to the constituents, and this opportunity was found in this program. During all these eight programs; we have found repetition of the problems. One important issue is unemployment, which is a common problem in the country. But for the last few years; it has become worst in our province due our particular situation. Infrastructure was also discussed time and again. Education and health along with natural gas have also emerged as the major problems. Electricity was also reported as a major problem. We tried to note down each problem; as reported through any means. We have tried to give priority to girls education. In health sector, we are also trying to address the main problem. Provision of gas is a big problem, and most of the callers demanded it. I hope it will be addressed soon.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Hafeez is here from Charsadda. I want to ask Sikandar; that I was working in Worker\u2019s Welfare Board, when you were in alliance with the government. But when you left the government, we were also terminated. Our officers are receiving their salary while we have been declared as fired. You are again part of the government and my question is that; whether you will make any effort for our restoration?<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Dr. Shah Zeb Khan is calling. I welcome Sikandar. I want to ask him that, there is a government higher secondary school for girls in Sherpao. It was reported in media and condemned. Why didn\u2019t you take any action against it?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Why was it blamed and condemned?<\/p>\n<p>Caller: It was reported; that there is only one principal and three teachers, with no teacher for science subjects in the whole school.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Laila from Charsadda. I want to ask Sikandar, that I used to run a handicraft center. But at this instance, we are asked to get a license; therefore we were interviewed on 24<sup>th<\/sup> but orders are still pending.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Which department you are talking about?<\/p>\n<p>Caller: It is a social welfare department, and I have all the necessary documents.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: we request Sikandar that our road in Ganderi is almost absent, and we have to walk in mud. We request him to construct it for us.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: I would request you to answer them all briefly.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: The problem is, that the Worker\u2019s Welfare Board is a complicated one. Funds are not being released by the federal government, and salaries are stopped for four month. Some of the members of that board are behind the bars now. Federal government got sensitive, after media reprints and funds are stopped. Aneesa Zeb held a meeting with Ishaq Dar, and briefed him about the whole situation. Now finance department has released the funds, but still Board has to receive it. Salaries will be reimbursed, but as far as restoration of employees is concerned, I may tell you that many people were recruited on false grounds, and many officials are getting salaries while sitting at home. It is a pity that, the officials pretend about the record of many employees, has got burnt. However, the issue of Girl\u2019 school has become an acute one. Teachers have been recruited, but te recruitment is not under the education department. . These posts were challenged in a court of law and stay has been granted by the court. It is hoped that, the stay will be vacated soon, and hiring will be carried out. I will inquire about the issue of social welfare department, and see if the license could be granted to the caller. As far as road in Ganderi is concerned, it lies in PK20, but I will report it to Khalid Khan.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Mardan. We requested Sikandar about our Girl\u2019s High school. I am Riyat Khan from People village.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Mr. Sikandar, you were in the opposition during our earlier programs, but now you are serving as senior minister. People are expecting too much while resources are meager. What will you do?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I want to clarify that portfolio and offices do not have any prime importance for us. We have joined the government for the larger interests of the Pashtoon nation. We will resign if we are unable to deliver. Constraint of resources and government procedure also poses many threats. We have this problem of budget, being approved under the shadow of\u00a0 different priorities.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Farhad Ali is here from Azeem Khan Village. I want to inform Sikandar, that we are facing the problem of gas while main pipe line is so near our street.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Dr. Shah Zeb Khan, and I want to ask Sikandar, that MS in Tangi hospital is sitting idle at his home all the time. He do not spare time to sit in the OPD, and perform his duty at the hospital. I want to stress that, Sikandar should focus on him.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Nisar from Manzoore. I demand from Sikandar for the construction of our road. Another problem is, our transformers has been stolen while the rest was taken by the police.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Mushatq from Khaisatkhel. I want to request Sikandar that the timing for load shedding should be changed, because it is at the most unsuitable times.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: the problem in People village has been discussed with the XEN. Work on the scheme will start after a couple of months. Gas is an overall problem in the area while we still face a ban on new connections. I will look into this matter. MS of Tangi hospital was also reported. I will visit the spot myself, and if any negligence is there; then the strict action will be taken against it. The road and transformer issues are such that unless FIR is registered, the power department can do nothing about it. Gas load shedding is a serious problem, covering the whole province. Winter always demand maximum use of gas while load shedding also become rampant. Policies of federal government are not befitting and our province face acute load shedding, while our own gas is supplied to Punjab and industry there. I will look into this complaint.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Zar Shad from Sherpao. I want to highlight that people are happy over the retaining wall to Jindi River. I also want to identify, that the water passages coming from other villages are affecting the retaining wall.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Mushtaq Shaheen from Charsadda. During the previous leadrership; when you were a part of the federal government, a scheme was sanctioned for a recreation center at the bank of Sardaryab. I request you to make efforts for it.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Fakharul Islam from Peshawar House. We want to thank Sikandar for working on Jindi River. There are some resourceful people residing on the bank and pose threats to the expansion of the river. They should be made to comply.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Two callers talked about Jindi River project, which was started last year when I proposed it. It is a project worth fifty crore (500 million) rupees. The river was expanded, but pitching and laying stole is required now to make it safe. I have asked about the revision of this scheme and I hope that it will start in January.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Picnic spot at Sradaryab was also asked about.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is a good suggestion, and I will certainly make my efforts in this direction.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, our colleague Ayesha Tehseen has prepared a report and it is time to listen to it.<\/p>\n<p><strong><em><u>Filed Based Research Report:<\/u><\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><em>MPA from PK 21; and senior minister in the provincial government Sikandar Khan Sherpao has been looked at, not only by PK21, but all the people to resolve their problems. People are conveying their messages through CRSS. Headmaster in government primary school Kareemabad,Tayyab says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe are thankful to CRSS. Although he is not our MPA, still we would request Mr Sikandar to discuss our problem with our MPA. Our problem is that, funds were allocated for the boundary wall for our school but still there are some hurdles in the path.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Headmaster from primary school Hameesh Gul also expresses his views,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cI am the headmaster here and we have the problem of electricity. Water is scarce and no washrooms available in working condition. We want new bathrooms and missing facilities here. We invite Sikandar to visit us.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Nisar from Hameesh Gul village also complaints about the transformer and other problems,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cOur main problem is that road to our village is in bad condition. Our transformer is also out of order and need repairs.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>On one hand people expect Sikandar to resolve their problems but, on the other hand, Inam Gul is thankful to his MPA for meeting his demands,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe are thankful to Sikandar for making our road concrete for us. It has resolved several of our problems and we are very happy about it. Earlier we could not even go to the mosque, because there was mud and dirt all along. We are really thankful to Sikandar. We pray for him.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Belonging to Juma Gul Village, Aziz Ullah says, that the developmental works have stopped after the tenor of Sikandar, but now he expect that it will be done again,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cSikandar has done much in our area while he was in power, but after that everything has come to a halt. Now he is again in the government and we hope that he will continue his projects.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, welcome back after the report. I want your response to the report.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: First of all I may tell you that the problem of boundary wall pertains to PK20 but I pay a visit along with the concerned MPA. Hameesh Gul Village complained about the missing facilities in that primary school. It is a common problem in the whole province. But I will try my best to meet their demand about road construction and missing facilities at school. People from Juma Gu village also talked about road. I have already sanctioned three main roads. One is from Branch No 6 to Zem. Another is from Branch No3 to the premises of our constituency. I have also sanctioned a road from Abazo to Mirabad Bridge. Some of the portion towards Mardan is going to be completed soon.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have received some complaints through the drop box and we face the same problem that place is not mentioned. However, most of the problems reported are the same as discussed time and again.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Mubeen from Shabara. I want to request Sikandar that the Jindi River project should be completed soon.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Taqweem Ul Haq from Duwawa. I want to say that road from Dera Sikandar Khan to Adizo is in bad condition. They should help us because we cannot walk and mover easily on that road.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Waris Khan is here. There is no facility of gas and government school. We have been electing Arshad Khan for long, but now he ignores us totally.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Sher Akbar and I want to greet Sikandar. Our road from Gul-Abad to Mirch was smooth earlier in 1990, but it is torn and damaged. Could you please repair it?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I may answer one by one. I have already talked about the issue of Jindi River expansion project. A friend from Deri Sikandar Khan also called and I assure him to look into this matter. I have already included The Mirch road in ADP and it will be done soon.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: dear listeners, I wish to talk about some national and international issues now. We have already received many calls and talked about your local issues along with the complaints through the drop boxes. We will really appreciate your feedback about this effort by CRSS. Our email address is <a href=\"mailto:feedback@crss.pk\">feedback@crss.pk<\/a>.\u00a0 Mr. Sikandar, you had been to Afghanistan recently accompanied by several good r leaders. What was the purpose and what is the output of that visit?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is a good question in the present scenario. When elections were held in Afghanistan and Ashraf Ghani was elected as the new president, he paid a visit to Pakistan. He took a historical step by announcing to start a new chapter in our bilateral relations. It was a positive step, but subsequent situation delayed this process and situation deteriorated to the extent that borders were closed for days. It affected both, the people and businessmen. There was no love lost between the two countries. In this regard, Ashraf Ghani invited the Pashtoon leadership to discuss the present situation. Peace in the region is important for both the countries. We need cordial relation in the face of terrorism in our region. Mehmood Khan Achakzai, Asfandyar Wali and Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao were invited. Shoukat Ullah Engineer, Ajmal Wazir, Afrasiyab Khattak and I was also invited.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: I want to put an additional question that your visit was successful, but how much support did you receive from our federal government?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We had no consultation with the federal government, but when we went there, we realized that a serious effort is needed to benefit all the Pashtoon. We contacted Nawaz Sharif and he stressed for bilateral dialogue between the two countries. We went there in our individual capacity. I am thankful to the Afghan government that much weightage was given to our delegation, and we were awarded the status of head of a state. When we request Ashraf Ghani to meet Nawaz Sharif in Paris, he agreed. Now it is expected that he may soon arrive in Pakistan. We stress that this issue should be taken seriously.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We pray that your efforts may materialize, but now I want to discuss Munda Dam; as people are in dire need of it. Now you are in power and people are expecting much.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It is an important issue in our area. Our aim is to complete one way or the other, because it will generate 740 mega watts electricity and almost eighty thousand acre land will be irrigated. But most importantly; the valley of Peshawar will be protected from floods. It is a multipurpose dam.\u00a0 I have just instructed irrigation secretary to send a letter to water and power minister and planning minister about this issue. In the first stage, I will send a letter; then I will meet Ishaq Dar and Khwaja Asif. We want to take up as our main priority.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: I may add that it is a national issue. Our province has abundance of water. After the 18<sup>th<\/sup> Amendment, our province can take initiative itself. I want to appreciate your efforts for demanding arrears in lieu of power royalty. This issue should also be taken collectively.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It also incorporates some area in FATA, thus making it a federal level issue as well. Once I raise this issue, we will try to convince all the political parties to stand by us. We will make collective effort.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Irrigation ministry is now under your supervision. There is Warsak remolding project as well. What is the present status?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Work is in progress over that project. It has three portions. One was the remodeling of existing river. Another aspect was a new tunnel from Warsak Dam. It was a project of 4 billion rupees but now it has been extended to 14 billion rupees. Remodeling of the river is in progress while WAPDA had some objection to the tunnel at the start which is removed now.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Another important demand is to have a ring road in Shabqadar bazaar, because there is too much rush and traffic.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is a link road toward Mohmand and Bajaur agency, beyond that to Afghanistan, and Dir. Some of the portion is under progress and one bypass is completed now. But until we have a ring road there, problem will remain the same. I will take up this issue with FHA.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Ijaz from Zem. A road is under construction here, rather we need a hospital in Zem.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Farooq Shah is here and I had conveyed two problems to Sikandar a couple of months ago about the up-gradation of a school and construction of a road but till now nothing has been done.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My home is on Tarnab road and we have requested too many people to install a hand pump for us.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Mr. Ijaz demanded a hospital and I want to tell him that I have already taken up that issue. But the fact is that, the new constructions have been banned by the health department. Farooq Shah asked about up-gradation of a school. We are going to up-grade the school in Zem but the credit goes to others. Road will also be constructed. Listeners should realize that developmental projects take time to start. It is a lengthy process. I will provide the hand pump to the caller.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Thank you so much sir, for being with us. Dear listeners, it was our last program with Sikandar and we hope to be in contact with you one way or the other. It is good bye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong>Aired on:\u00a0October\u00a029, 2015<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/NbIIPJ\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/NbIIPJ<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170030_LLS.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-10654 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170030_LLS-300x169.jpg\" alt=\"20151029_170030_LLS\" width=\"300\" height=\"169\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170030_LLS-300x169.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170030_LLS-1024x576.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170030_LLS-900x507.jpg 900w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170030_LLS.jpg 1800w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a>\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170123.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-10655 \" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170123-300x158.jpg\" alt=\"20151029_170123\" width=\"323\" height=\"170\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170123-300x158.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170123-1024x538.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170123-900x473.jpg 900w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/20151029_170123.jpg 1800w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 323px) 100vw, 323px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p><strong>Constituency:<\/strong> PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Province:<\/strong> Khyber Pakhtunkhwa<br \/>\n<strong>Parliamentarian:<\/strong> Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Radio Station: Dilbar Radio<br \/>\n<strong>Topic:<\/strong> Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Moderated by:<\/strong> Mr. Shahab ud Din<br \/>\n<strong>Field based research report by:<\/strong> Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<br \/>\n<strong>Date:<\/strong> Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of October 2015<br \/>\n(Aired on October 29, 2015)<br \/>\n<strong>Position:<\/strong> Seventh Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Outline<\/u><\/strong><strong>: <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>\u201cBeing appointed once again as the senior minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, Sikandar Khan Sherpao is expected to work whole heartedly for the progress and development of PK-21 which he represents as the Member of Provincial assembly (MPA).\u00a0 Many constituents called during the show and expressed their concerns over the issue of education, irrigation, unemployment and road construction. Sikandar expressed his optimistic plans to create new employment opportunities and improvement of agriculture sector in his new capacity as the senior minister.\u201d<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>TRANSCRIPTION:<\/u><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 Peace be with you dear listeners.\u00a0 I am your host Shahab Ud Din with the program Da Halqe Ganta (Constituency Hour). You know well that your MPA from PK21 is our guest in this show. First of all I extend a warm welcome to my guest.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Thank you so much.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Now you are working as senior minister in KP government once again. I congratulate you on assuming this office. It is indeed a good news for the constituents because you can now complete all the projects as conceived for your constituency.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is also our endeavour to facilitate people of the whole province and I do not want myself to be restricted to my constituency alone.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, Sikandar is here to discuss and resolve your problems. This show is a continuation of the efforts by Young Democrats Academy and Center for Research and Security Studies. You can also participate in this show by dialing 0916515093. Now coming to our program I may ask you that you were not a part of the treasury benches for considerable time. Now you are once again a part of the government and I want to know about your plans and vision for your constituency in the coming days?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Our province is basically an agriculture province where irrigation holds a pivotal position. Floods are also posing problems here. I think a full consideration on agriculture can generate enough income for our people while reducing unemployment as well. We will pay attention that our fields get enough water for irrigation. We also wish to contain the damage caused by floods and natural calamities. We have experienced a high magnitude earthquake recently. It has caused considerable damage in our tribal and settled areas. I extend my deepest regrets over the human loss and property damage. Our people have suffered a lot due to natural calamities and militancy. We will try our level best to help them out.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, drop boxes have also been installed in various parts of PK-21 where you can register your complaint. These places are at Zem Bazaar near mosque, Sherpao Bazaar Mumtaz Sweet House, Rehman Ullah shop, Sherpao Hospital and at Kanewar Super Store. We will discuss your complaints in this program.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Gul Hussein from Sugayan. My special regards to Sikandar and congratulations. Our main problem is about the feeder. We need a separate feeder.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This is about the feeder that extends from Prang Ghar to Tangi. It covers a large area including some tribal regions as well. It is overloaded and loses are also frequent. We had tried once to bring a bifurcation in this feeder but our efforts bore no fruit because of some local issues.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 This is Irfan from Charsadda Sugar Mill. Our feeder here is not enough for us. We are facing sever load shedding.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Load shedding is the problem of the whole country. Our province is treated unjustly because we are the main producer but still we have severe load shedding and a heavy tariff. WAPDA and masses both are to be blamed. Anyway I will look into the matter as mentioned by the caller.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I want you to brief us about the departments that you have opted for after joining the government. Why you selected such departments?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have tried to opt for those departments that are important for our province and the public. Law and order is a serious matter in our province and affects all the people. Similarly we have also selected industry. Mineral and technical education because our resources need to be fully and judiciously utilized for the greater good of our people. We want to establish new industry related to minerals and technical education.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Sher Afzal is here from Prang Village. I want to tell Sikandar that our electricity is almost absent here. He ought to do something for us.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Will you have the power department once again as senior minister?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: No, I do not have this portfolio this time. The problem is that Federal Government is not helping the provinces. We need huge funds for power generation but Federal Government is not ready to extend any help. Water is our great resource but it goes unused.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: You have Munda Dam in your vicinity. What are you doing for making it real?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is an excellent project and I will make every possible effort to make it function. It is indispensable for three districts of Charsadda, Peshawar and Nowshera. I will take up this matter with the federal government.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Malik Saeed calling from Prang Ghar. We have electricity only for a couple of hours during twenty four hours.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Khushal Khan son of Ashiq Khan has reported through the drop box that they face the problem of clean drinking water.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I want to make a genuine request to please mention your specific area because it is hard for us to identify the area by just learning about the problems.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have this problem because most of the problems are reported without identifying the area.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Muhammad Osman from Station. Our problem is about the irrigation water because the passage is narrow and we do not get enough water. During the previous government, almost a million rupees were sanctioned for it but that fund was not utilized.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Mr. Osman you should meet me and I assure you to help you in this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Suhail Khan has also reported that our biggest problem is female education. We need more schools.<\/p>\n<p>Siknadar: I once again request my constituents to mention their area.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Shafiq Gigyani has also mentioned the problems of education and unemployment. He has asked about your proper attention.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I know well that all our regions are in dire need of educational institutes. We have inaugurated a few schools in my constituency and my main focus is directed toward this issue.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Various issues in your constituency have been identified through this program but now people are expecting that you will resolve their problems when you are a part of the government.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: My aim and objective is to serve my people and I am not dying after power and office. My focus is to bring improvement in health and education sector. I also wish to initiate such projects that may bring changes in our economy and employment opportunities. Our agriculture sector has great potential for development. Existing system ought to be improved. We will try to convince our farmers to utilize government channels.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Taqweem Ul Haq from Deri Sikandar Khan. I want to tell Sikandar that our road till Adizo is very bad and it needs to be improved.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 This is Farman Ali from Choki Manzore. Road to our village has been curtailed when the retaining wall was built. We are also faced with the grave problem of load shedding.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will look into the matter of road to Deri Sikandar Khan. As far as road to Manzore is concerned, it seems as if flood protection measures have curtailed some of the road to that village.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am a local Tehsil councilor. I want to tell Sikandar that the water we receive at homes for drinking is too much contaminated.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Hazrat Ali from Sunday Sar. Our roads are in bad shape and we do not have gas connection. We also do not have electricity.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from District Mardan. We have high school for girls which is situated over a water course. It needs proper retaining walls.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: The problem mentioned by the lady councilor is happening in another constituency but it is a serious matter and I will make my own efforts in this regard. Roads in Sunday Sar were also said to be depleted and rutted. I will consider the request. The caller from Mardan is also noted down by me and I will instruct the officials to visit the spot.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: We live in Deri village. I am Shahi Mulk. Both of our transformers are out of order.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: What about the construction work on your local school?<\/p>\n<p>Caller (Shahi Mulk). Yes sir work is in progress but we need transformer.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: You will get your transformer soon.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Jehan Zeb from Charsadda. I want to ask about CRSS who have brought our MPA face to face with us but why other MPAs are not brought in such programs. Are they shy to face their constituents or Sikandar is paid to be here? My other question is that Sherpao School for girls has paucity of teachers while the existing teachers are not doing well. Thirty teachers are deficient there. When there is no electricity then there is no water available for girls.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: (laughingly): The caller has asked one question from you and you need to answer it.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I would like you to answer both the question.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: International Republic Institute (IRI) has initiated a program of Young Democrats academy where few public representatives were selected. It was decided to explore new ways and means to bring constituents and MPs face to face with each other. I was lucky to be selected among these MPs. This radio show is a new initiative in collaboration with CRSS. I think only five MPs are selected from the whole country. One MNA Mrs., Naeema Kishwar from Mardan is also selected. I request that this program should be expanded because my relations and activities have been improved. I appreciate all the efforts by CRSS and other related organizations.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I may tell the caller that this selection was based on the efficiency as well.\u00a0 What about the issue of girl school?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Teachers are there but still we are in need of more teachers. Finance department cannot afford to appoint new teachers according to the approved ratio of teacher and student. I will ask the concerned officials to visit that school and ascertain the gravity of the situation.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, it is time to listen to a report by Ayesha Tehseen about PK 21 Charsadda. Let us listen to it.<\/p>\n<p><strong><em><u>Filed Based research report:<\/u><\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><em>Sikandar Khan Sherpao is the elected MPA from PK-21. These constituents are faced with some problems and to resolve these issues the MPA has approached CRSS team himself. Most of the problems are associated with education. Principal of Government Higher Secondary school Sherpao says about these problems,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cMy name is Maqsood Khan. In this school we are in dire need of an IT Lab along with a practical laboratory for 10<sup>th<\/sup> grade class. We also need a separate transformer for the school. Our classes should be according to the strength of the students. We need forty classrooms but at present we have only 22 classes\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Not only boys school but girl\u2019s higher secondary school is also faced with serious problems. Javed khan is a local resident, who says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cOur girl\u2019s higher secondary school is replete with so many problems. The present principal does not deserve this post but is holding on to this post for the last 19 years. She is embezzling the funds. She must be asked about the utilization of all funds. She is also receiving rent from the school canteen. Why Sikandar is not paying any attention to this matter. She has sold valuable trees in the schools and has consumed the received money.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Hira is a student of 8<sup>th<\/sup> grade, who mentions the problems in her school,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cMy name is Hira and I am studying in 8<sup>th<\/sup> grade. We need good furniture. We bring drinking water from our homes. Electricity is always absent. We do not have bathrooms in our school. We have no computer in our school. There is no facility to opt for science subjects. We are short of teachers.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>My name is Roheela Chand and I read in 10th grade. We are in need of furniture, water , bathroom, electricity and other facilities. We request our MPA Sikandar to pay attention to our plight.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Noor Ullah from Suleiman Khel village was recruited in workers welfare board by Sikandar but he has been fired along with almost six hundred workers after serving for a few months. He request Sikandar to be reappointed,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe were recruited in 2013 by Sikandar in Worker\u2019s Welfare Board. We served for a few months but then all of us were fired. We request Sikandar to be reappointed. We are poor people and need assistance.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Valued listeners, welcome back after the report about PK21 where many problems were highlighted.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Both the schools mentioned above are Higher secondary schools but the main problem is the excessive number of students. Facilities are scarce and more teachers are required. Finance department does not take into consideration the ground reality. I have noted the issue of furniture and water. We need a lasting solution to procure water in girl school.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Education is the main priority of the present government. Is there any progress in this regard?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We are still far behind in making nay tangible progress. We are pressurized by over population and resources. We are also facing court cases when we try to recruit new employees. Missing facilities plus teacher deficiency and teacher\u2019s training is my top priority. Teachers training should be an ongoing process and is the need of the time. I will suggest some new programmes to the government.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Most of the complaints from your constituency are about efficiency of teachers. But my question is that what is the function of independent monitoring teams in education sector?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am not very much clear about this new organization but I will inquire about its function and mechanism.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: There are 25 disputed villages in your father\u2019s constituency. This region is faced with the water problem. What is the real situation and what efforts are you going to make?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There is a stream but water is not available to the villages down the line. We tried to give a link to it from Dowaba but it was not successful. Munda Dam is not functional yet otherwise we will manage a separate door for this region.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Shamsher Ali is calling from Omarabad. We have a school called Islamabad Public School where two teachers are available for seven students. While in a school in Majogi students are in excess of teachers. Another matter is that WAPDA officials are not giving us legal connection while electricity is available in the whole area.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Sabz Ali from Nyak Dara Dir. I want to say that many homes are razed in the recent earthquake. Officials are having survey and noting down the damage. But we demand complete survey under the supervision of armed forces.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Inayat Ullah from Nisata. Our area has the problem of gas, when your father was the minister, pipes were spread in the area but connections were not provided. We request you to grant us this facility.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have noted down the problem identified by Shamsher Ali pertaining to the school. As far as power connection is concerned, I think this is a new township and may take time to get it. The caller from Dir was right about the worst scenario after the earthquake there. I will ask DCO to send a rescue team there. I may also tell you that we had started the project of gas provision to Nisata. When our government ended, this project also came to a halt. I will look into this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Muhammad Salman Khan is here from Shabqadar. I am a member of Watan students Federation. I have lost my card and now nobody is letting me see you. I will come to you at the secretariat.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Jehan Zeb and I want to tell Sikandar that we have the sole girl college at Tangi. Two months ago, a new principal was appointed in that college who asked all the students to submit the fee for the whole year at one installment. She expelled all the students from the classes who did not comply with this order.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is true that unfortunately we have only one college in Tangi for girls. It is called Frontier Education Foundation College. I had inaugurated this college. It is a good college but the now I have noted down the matter about annual fee.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Sajid Salman has complained about the problem of unemployment through the drop box. He has termed illiteracy as the main reason for unemployment.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will consider this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Suhail Khan has also lamented the fact that their school is without bathrooms and missing facilities. He has not mentioned the name of the school.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: there are almost 12 thousand schools with missing facilities.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Sania Sherpao has also reported that their school does not have bathrooms and other facilities.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have constructed six rooms in the boy\u2019s school but now I will visit the girl school as well to inquire about their needs.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Technical education is also under your ministry. But this department is now linked with industry as well. If you work hard there then many new jobs can be created?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is a dynamic department now and many new projects and plans are possible in the technical education department. I had taken an initiative earlier on and I had proposed a technical university to link our skills to the external world. Now TAFTA has been created with the aim to improve the quality of technical skill so that it could be recognized everywhere. We see that in the Western world technical skill is highly appreciated. We have one billion rupees in the budget for technical skills. We intend to introduce new traits in our technical colleges. We find that skilled labour in our industry comes from the Punjab.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: People from Charsadda are expecting improvement in the police department after assuming new office by you.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We are not living in the normal situation at present. Our police force has sacrificed much to contain terrorism. Our situation has certainly deteriorated for the last few years but we have to improve the situation.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Thank you so much for participating in this program. So many people have called and we are thankful for your time and pains to answer them all. It is good bye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong>Aired on: September 22, 2015<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/2KDCNt\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/2KDCNt<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00609.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-10241 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00609-300x225.jpg\" alt=\"DSC00609\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00609-300x225.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00609-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00609-900x675.jpg 900w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a>\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00612.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-10242 \" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00612-300x242.jpg\" alt=\"DSC00612\" width=\"278\" height=\"225\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00612-300x242.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00612-1024x827.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/DSC00612-900x726.jpg 900w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 278px) 100vw, 278px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p><strong>Constituency:<\/strong> PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Parliamentarian:<\/strong> Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan<br \/>\n<strong>Topic:<\/strong> Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Moderated by:<\/strong> Mr. Shahab ud Din<br \/>\n<strong>Field based research report by:<\/strong> Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<br \/>\n<strong>Date:<\/strong> Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of September 2015<br \/>\n(Aired on September 22, 2015)<br \/>\n<strong>Position:<\/strong> Sixth Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Outline<\/u><\/strong><strong>: <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) from PK-21 Charsadda, Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao seems ever ready to answer any query about the problems in his constituency. Too many callers called during the show and identified several problems of bad roads, power failure, absence of gas connections, paucity of schools and staff, missing facilities at hospitals and schools, encroachment, unemployment and proper communication network in the constituency. He explained all his efforts to resolve these issues and assured his constituents that within due time all these pertaining problems will be resolved.<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Transcription: <\/u><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Assalam U Alekum (Peace be with You) dear listeners. I am your host Shahab with Da Halqe Ganta (Constituency Hour). In this program we have Member of Provincial assembly from PK-21, Mr. Sikandar. I welcome your sir.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Thanks indeed. I am really grateful for the opportunity given to have interaction with my constituents.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: The initiative is a part of Young Democrats Academy program to bring your MPA face to face with you.\u00a0 You can also take part in the program by dialing 0916515093. You have another opportunity to convey your concerns by dropping your complaints in the drop boxes installed at various places in your constituency. These places are at Zem Bazaar near mosque, Sherpao Bazaar, Mumtaz Sweet House, Rehman Ullah shop, Sherpao Hospital and at Kanewar Super Store. We will discuss your complaints registered during the past month. Mr. Sikandar if you could brief us about your efforts to solve some the issues discussed and conveyed during our last program?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Last month we received complaints about developmental projects and power issues. Developmental projects will start soon because I have noted down some of the major concerns. Before coming to this program, I inaugurated the ground breaking opening ceremony of two schools in my constituency. There was a primary school which was demolished. Then there was a primary girl school which has been upgraded to middle school. This is good news for all the people.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It is good to learn such news about schools but the problem is paucity of teachers. Not enough teachers are ever available.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Yesterday ten new teachers\u2019 posts have been sanctioned for these schools. The fact is that we need teachers everywhere but we are doing our level best to fill the gap. It will solve our problem of unemployment as well.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Health situation in your constituency is not satisfactory and people have to take their patients to Peshawar.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is true that our hospitals at all levels are not up to the mark. We have a large hospital at Tangi and it used to receive patients even from Charsadda. It has deteriorated with the passage of time. I am making efforts for the up gradation of Tangi hospital, Jamalabad Hospital and Sherpao hospital. In the second phase I will try to upgrade the hospital at Batagram. It is six crore (Sixty million) rupees worth project. It will really improve the situation. Some of the doctors have assumed their duties but the problem is that each one of them is trying to be transferred to Peshawar again.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It was made compulsory for doctors to spend three years at a certain locality by the previous government.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Unfortunately this law could not be implemented.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: But who is responsible for the violation of law?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Obviously government is responsible for it.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: The biggest problem is the presence of female doctors. Have you done anything about it?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: My focus is on children and Gynecology department in the upgraded hospitals. Charsadda hospital also needs basic facilities. It is a matter of management.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: You said that doctors wish to work in urban areas. They allege that rural hospitals have no good facilities.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I agree to your statement. Doctors ought to have incentives for working in rural areas.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I think the government had already announced such incentives.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am not clear about this development.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: What is the present situation of developmental projects in your constituency?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Last year I received three crore rupees which were equally divided among all the union councils. My concern is always about streets and electricity. I try to adjust roads in our developmental funds. This amount is certainly not enough and we need more funds.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 It has been reported through the drop box that Mr. Shahab from Sherpao is not satisfied with the standard of education. He alleges that many schools have no furniture. He also mentioned the problem of unemployment.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Quality of education needs focus because we see that private schools are mushrooming for the sole reason of quality of education. Government ought to improve the quality of education. Beside teacher\u2019s training and development of curriculum, we need to improve the whole learning process. Analytical skill development is the need of time but our education system encourage cramming only. I have realized this fact when I witnessed myself the system in the developed countries. As far as missing facilities at schools is concerned, I may mention that more than twelve thousand schools are facing it.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Farooq Shah Khan from Zem Korona. Last month we mentioned two problems during the last problem. We are still waiting for his response. One was about the primary school and the other was about the road.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: The caller wants speedy work and we share his wish but the fact is that official projects take time. ADP (Annual Developmental Project) funds will burst soon and we hope to get started.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Another complaint is reported by Sajid Ali Khan from Sherpao about employment opportunities for youth.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This is not a problem confined to a single constituency rather it is a problem of the whole region. Government cannot resolve this issue but private sector has to be involved. Our province has not enough resources while our recent situation has also augmented the issue. Investors have run away from our province. A multi-pronged strategy has to be employed to improve our economy and to encourage the private investment. Federal government is also using our resources but we are not paid enough.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Malik Ijaz from Shabqadar. We demand from Sikandar that gas connections should be extended to our homes.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Gas provision was the greatest demand of this area. Main pipeline has been laid but the ban by the prime minister on new connections has stopped further extension. The ban will be lifted soon and phase-wise connections will be provided.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, it is time to listen to a report by Ayesha Tehseen about the problems in PK-21.<\/p>\n<p><em><u>Field Based Research Report:<\/u><\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Constituents of PK-21 have elected Sikandar to resolve their problems. They hoped that he will help them in solving their problem. I this regard, when the CRSS asked the local residents about their response, they came up with different opinions. Khan Zeb from Mian Khan Village says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe request Sikandar to provide us with gas connection. We are poor people and cannot afford fuel to buy fuel. There is no transformer in our village and we hope that it will be installed soon.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Belonging to the same village, Anwar, says that teachers in the local school are faced with grave problems because staff is irresponsible,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe need a girl primary school. There is already a primary school but only a couple of lady teachers are available who pay no attention to their students. Girls are also made to sit in the boy\u2019s school. We request Sikandar to sanction a girl primary school along with good teachers.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Waris Khan in PK-21 is lamenting the absence of required facilities at the hospital. He is also requesting Sikandar to pay frequent visits to their locality,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWhen we go to Sherpao hospital, then we cannot find any doctor or medicines there. We request Sikandar to check this hospital and provide the missing facilities. We also make the request to have an inspection each month in all the schools and hospitals in his constituency.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Jehanzeb jeweler forwarded a few important problems to Sikandar with the hope to be heard,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe appreciate the construction of road from Zem to Munda but we also want to identify that something is still lacking. As there are retaining walls to the adjacent stream for some distance, we demand the same facility throughout the road. It is a dangerous road and future causalities must be avoided. Sherpao Secondary Girls School and Boys break up at the same time causing problems for the girls. Timing should be changed.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Hizbullah from Suleman Khel Village also talked to us during the last show. According to his statement he was called by Sikandar to resolve their issues. He further says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWe were called to talk about our problems by Sikandar. I told about the problem of road, school and hospital. I am thankful to Sikandar for calling me to his residence for a meeting. He assured me that all the issues mentioned by me will be resolved soon.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 Dear listeners, you listened to the report. May we talk about the problems identified in the report?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: The problem of electricity in Mina Khan Village will be resolved soon because transformer is going to be installed. Gas issue needs to wait for some time. Staff issue in the primary school will be taken up with the officials in the department. The problem is that government wants land for school free of cost. It is causing serious problem in establishing new schools.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Mian Shakeel Ahmad from Kangra. You might have seen the road from Batagram to Knagra. It is in really bad state. Another issue here is the provision of gas.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Gas issue has already been discussed. There was no gas connection in the whole region but my father worked hard to extend it. Such projects cost huge amount of money and takes time. It is a long distance from the main pipe line from Peshawar. As far as road is concerned from Batagram to Hajizai, some of the areas do not fall within my constituency but I have included some portion of that road in my ADP this year. Work will start soon.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: what about the problems reported in the report? Independent Monitory Unit (IMU) is a new body framed by the present government which inspects the staff in schools. Why such problems are still unresolved in our school?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I do not know about the efficiency of IMU yet. I have spent 22 crore rupees on the road adjacent to the stream.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It was also mentioned that schools for boys and girls close at the same time causing problems.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will look into this unique problem.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It was also demanded that you should pay frequent visits to schools and hospitals.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This is the basic duty of each department and our role is just to overlook these matters. But unfortunately officers do not bother to step out of their comfortable offices.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have a new local government system in the province. Do you think that such matters will be minimized?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: If they act well then situation will ameliorate. But it depends on the positive role by these councilors. Unfortunately no rules of business have been framed as yet and these councilors do not know about their exact role. We need a balance among the role of MPs and these councilors.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: There were too many problems while introducing the local government system during each phase. Who is to be blamed for such shabby rules and delay?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It needed proper preparation beforehand.\u00a0 Our province was in the race to be in front of other provinces.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I want to request Sikandar that from Kangra to Adezai the road is in bad shape and posing grave problems for us.\u00a0 This is a busy road and need attention on emergency basis.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We constructed this road in 2005 but heavy traffic flows over it. We will pay attention to it.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I was talking about local government system?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I stress that planning and preparation was needed. They were in the race to be in front of Punjab. You might have observed that irregularities happened on 30th May during the first phase. Rules of business ought to be chalked out before the election. They were in a hurry while preparation was required.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Most of the councilors are hoping to get proper salaries?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We are still not certain about such issues because rules of business are still to be in vogue.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Maroof Khan is your constituent who has lodged a complaint that power theft is rampant in the area.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Ghulam Akbar from Kangra. Our road from Batagram to Knagra is in bad shape. It is an ancestral constituency of Aftab Sherpao. We request that it should be constructed soon. We also demand provision of gas.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: This issue has been reported twice in this show.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I wonder why they do not contact their own MPA. Anyway I will look into this matter. Coming back to the issue of power theft, I may say that WAPDA and public both are to be blamed.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am a disable girl. I want to convey my regards to all of you.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Inam Ullah from Qazi Khel Jadeed. I want to identify the problem of encroachment by the shop keepers. Many items are displayed outside the shop which is making road a narrow passage.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Zanoon from Shah Bara. When you are coming from Prang Bridge there are three small villages. We need a proper passage in this area because we cannot take the funerals to the graveyard. Electricity is also a big problem here.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This not my constituency but I will try to consult their MPA about this issue. While referring to the issue of encroachment, I may say that it is the concern of local councilors now.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Shahid Khan from Zem has also complained about unemployment. When you were a part of the government, you had the portfolio of power and energy. I stress that if power projects are started, then it can decrease the problem of unemployment.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We can generate cheap hydel electricity. If we could link it to our industry then people have greater chance to get employment. Punjab is bracing for expensive projects of generating power. I worked hard in this field when I was the minister. Our province is poor and do not have the required funds to start any mega power project. Federal government should help us.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Shahab Ali has also complained about load shedding and lack of business opportunities.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Paucity of electricity affects business. We ought not to have load shedding in our province but we are facing it in abundance. It is mainly because of the mismanagement by WAPDA.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It is also reported by Jan Muhammad in your constituency that teachers and furniture is lacking in all the schools.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will certainly look into this matter. Hiring will be undertaken when proper test for recruitment is conducted.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Most of our listeners are worried about law and order situation. What is the situation in your constituency and the province in general?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There was a sad incident at Bada Ber. Military operations are going on.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Zem Enger Village and my name is Akbar Khan. Door has been broken in our stream and we have no irrigation water for our fields.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Bus stand and my name is Hamd Ullah Khan. It is good to have a respectable person like Sikandar as your guest. We have the problem of auto rickshaws causing serious problems for all of us.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have noted the problem about broken door in the stream. I want to convey the good news that road has also been sanctioned there. And yes we have the problem of auto rickshaws in our society.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Arif Khan from Shabqadar. Please convey our request to Sikandar to help us in gas and road issues.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Sher Akbar. Fees have been increased in Tangi Girls College considerably. Can you help us in this regard?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is the same road thrice discussed during this show.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We were talking about peace.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Situation has improved but some major incidents have happened. It proves that still some flaws exist. It seems as civil government is not playing its active role while military is involved in vigorous operation.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: People should also keep their eyes open.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Public and government should play their due roles. Proactive role is needed while we are in the habit of reactive role. Precautionary measures along with thorough investigation are badly needed. We have to break the network.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Your district also borders Mohmand Agency. What is the situation in Charsadda?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Situation is a bit quieter now but situation along the border with Afghanistan affects us. We have to normalize the situation in the whole region. Pakistan and Afghanistan are at dagger drawn at present which is a matter of great concern.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Thank you so much for being with and listening to so many problems during the show. It is good bye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong>Aired on: August 15, 2015<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/6hIdNx\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/6hIdNx<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11872958_10207955225706902_637421507_n.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9968 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11872958_10207955225706902_637421507_n-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"11872958_10207955225706902_637421507_n\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11872958_10207955225706902_637421507_n-300x168.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11872958_10207955225706902_637421507_n.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a>\u00a0\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11874108_10207955227146938_1222861448_n.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9969 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11874108_10207955227146938_1222861448_n-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"11874108_10207955227146938_1222861448_n\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11874108_10207955227146938_1222861448_n-300x168.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/11874108_10207955227146938_1222861448_n.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>Constituency:<\/strong> PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Parliamentarian:<\/strong> Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan<br \/>\n<strong>Topic:<\/strong> Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Moderated by:<\/strong> Mr. Shams Momand<br \/>\n<strong>Field based research report by<\/strong>: Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<br \/>\n<strong>Date:<\/strong> Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of August 2015<br \/>\n(Aired on August 15, 2015)<br \/>\n<strong>Position:<\/strong> Fifth Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Outline<\/u><\/strong><strong>: <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>\u201cElectricity, natural gas and employment emerged as top three problems in PK-21. Several callers praised the efforts of CRSS because a seven kilometer road had been approved after getting highlighted in the program Constituency Hour. Many people were jubilant to receive a new transformer in the area which was again the issue highlighted in the same show. The elected MPA from PK-21, Mr. Sikandar expressed his firm resolve to then work in the fields of health, education, irrigation and communication if they reach an agreement with the present government to enter the alliance once again.\u201d<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Transcription:<\/u><\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, your host Shams Momand is here on behalf of CRSS with the program \u2018Da Halqe Ganta\u2019 (Constituency Hour). CRSS takes pride in giving platform to the constituents, to talk directly to their MPA from PK-21 Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao. We try to discuss all the efforts made so far by the elected MPA. We would like all the constituents to be fully aware about their rights and responsibilities. We want to create political awareness. Like the previous months; once again we have Your MPA with us. I offer him very warm welcome.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Thank you very much.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: First of all I would like Mr. Sikandar to talk about the twenty live calls that we received during the previous program. Could you please tell us about your efforts\/ any action undertaken in regards to those calls?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Yes indeed it was wonderful to receive so many calls. It testifies to the fact that our basic aim in this program is being materialized. One problem mentioned was about the problem of electricity poles in Alisha village. I am happy to announce that transformer is working now and that scheme has been completed. Many calls were about employment but these matters take time.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It means that one complaint has been solved successfully. I congratulate the people of that village.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: A road in Mirza Der was mentioned by a constituent. Last week we have inaugurated that road worth seven crore rupees. It will cover seven kilometers distance. It has three portions. It is the main connection between Charsadda and Tangi. I will serve as a circular road as well benefiting people in PK-19 including Omarzai and Tarnab.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It is a matter of delight for the whole region and it is because of this program. Dear listeners, I will tell you our telephone number after a short while but first I want to have some discussion with Mr. Sikandar. But I want to stress that you can also make use of five drop boxes installed in PK-21. We have one drop box at BHU (Basic Health Unit) in Sherpao. While the Second one is at Rehman Ullah shop and third at Gul Zameen sweet house in Sherpao Bazaar; fourth at Zem Bazaar at Shehzada fruit shop, fifth one is at Knawar in Bakhtzada General Store. You can register your problem there. Young Democrats Academy holds meetings twice each month with Sikandar where you can also convey your concerns. Our telephone number is 0916515093. I want to mention one complaint from drop box. It is from Shahid Khan from Sherpao and it is about unemployment which is a general problem. Sikandar, if you join the government then what would be your strategy about it?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Unemployment is a national problem and our economy offers fewer job opportunities. Until we initiate such projects where private sector is encouraged, it is not possible to resolve this issue. China economic corridor is such a project where our hopes are rested. It will trigger establishment of industry in the region and will create jobs. We ought to encourage power generating projects in the province. One of our disadvantages is our remoteness from sea. But we can provide manpower to the industry. Moreover, our closed industry sites like Gadoon should be reopened.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: You mentioned hydel projects but I want to refer to the unfinished hydel project of Munda Dam in your constituency. The hard part is complete there but what is the main hurdle to make it functional?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: If you remember it was in priority during 2003-04 because of our efforts.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Niaz from Mirza Der and I am a local councilor. I want to thank Sikandar as he has resolved several of our pertinent problems. He also saved us from floods because Sikandar has constructed retaining walls to River Khyali. I want to mention that one small portion is left out and we fear floods. I request him to complete it.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will take up this issue with irrigation department. In regard to Munda Dam, I want to tell you that our leader was the federal minster in 2003 and he had the vision for the next 25 years. Munda Dam will generate 25 mega watt power. It will serve as a flood mitigation instrument and will protect several districts. Moreover, more than thirty thousand acre land will be irrigated through this.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: What is the hurdle?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Federal bureaucracy has put law and order as a hurdle which is a lame excuse. The main reason is that Punjabi Bureaucracy wants to complete projects in the Punjab.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 My name is Sajjad\u2026<\/p>\n<p>Shams: You hold bureaucracy as responsible but after the 18<sup>th<\/sup> Amendment, the provincial government has greater responsibilities to pursue it.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I offer my regards to the MPA. We have requested for a school to be upgraded in our area. We have donated land for it as well.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Where are you calling from?<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Zem Mulagori.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Alright sir.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Land acquisition is a big problem in our education system. I promise to upgrade their school if the land is according to the criterions set by the education department. In Sarfaraz village at Zem Korona, we are working on a school to up-grade it. We need to purchase such land for our schools.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: (call dropped.)<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, you are listening to this program through radio Dilbar.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Sajjad Khan from Sherpao. I want to mention a problem that I have been ill for four years. I have six daughters and the only son who is also ill. I face problems to treat him. I request Sikandar to help me out.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Please come to me and I will try to help you.<\/p>\n<p>Sajjad: Another problem is that we are four brothers but none of us is employed.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: If you could please complete your talk about Munda Dam.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This dam also encompasses some of the area in FATA which is a federal territory. I have often stressed that federal government should resolve this issue because this Dam is very vital for the whole province.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It is time to listen to a report by Ayesha Tehseen from your constituency.<\/p>\n<p><strong><u>Field Based Research Report:<\/u><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><em>Mirza Der is a remote area in PK-21 but having a large population. According to local people, it is without all the basic facilities. With the rapid increase in population, problems have also multiplied. Aurang Zeb is an elder here who appeals to Sikandar to resolve their problems here. <\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>He says, \u201cMirza Der is a big village and our problems have increased with the passage of time. Health and education are the two most important needs in a society and I stress that we all need facilities in these two fields. If our needs are not met, then it will birth to so many other problems. We have a high school here and one primary school. But we require more schools here. We also need a Basic health Unit here.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>The only existing girl primary school is in a rented house which is not a good school. A father in the area also demands a high school for girls there when he says, \u201cI am Irfan Zeb and I request my MPs that they must try hard to establish middle and a high school for girls. It is large union council and all the children are faced with problems because they have to go to Tangi for schooling. The only present school has no building but is established in a rented house which has no basic facilities like a bathroom etc. we request that our demand should be considered soon.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Not only parents but girls in the area also demand school for themselves. Amina says in this regard, \u201cMy name is Amina and I have passed my fifth grade from Mirza Der primary school. We have no water and power in the school. I am in tenth grade now and I have to travel as far as Tangi. I am facing serious problems. All our girls are facing severe problems and we all need a high school in our village.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>The main road to Mirza Der was constructed in 1973. After the inauguration of this road after such a long time, people are happy and thankful to CRSS for voicing their concerns to their MPA.<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cI belong to PK-21 and I am happy to say that a seven kilometer road has been approved in our area. It will yield benefits for all of us. I am thankful to CRSS and its team for conveying our voice to Sikandar who took action to approve this road. It was constructed in 1973 and needed reconstruction\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>This was Ayesha Tehseen reporting for CRSS from PK-21 Charsadda.<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Shams: Respected Listeners, welcome back after the report.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Manzoor from Mohmand Agency. I just wanted to convey our regards to you.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: We are from Nahqi and we want to say that we get high electricity bill which we are not able to pay.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Bring the bill to us and we will see as if there is overbilling or some fine is imposed. It is a recurrent problem in our area due to inefficiency of WAPDA officials. I may ponder about the report now. It was said that there is no BHU at Mirza Der. It is a government policy that one union council should have just one BHU. But personally I disagree with it because some union councils are too large for a single BHU. Mirza Der has a BHU which is far away from this village. We will look into this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It was also reported that the primary school is in a rented house while a girl student also complained that she has to go to Tangi to attend high school.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have constructed a building for that primary school but unfortunately the owner died and his legal heirs have a dispute over land. If this dispute is resolved, then the school could be shifted to that building which has been constructed five years ago.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: You have been a minster and may join the government soon once again. When there is an issue of public interest which is obstructed by a single person for his vested interests, why can\u2019t you frame some laws in the assembly to deal with such issues?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We need relaxation in such laws.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: We are calling from Nahqi. Where should we bring our bill?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Just take your bill to Sartaj in your village. I was talking about the legal issue among heirs. We have tried hard to bring a patch up among them.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Khalil from Yaseenabad. We are thankful for your efforts in our area. We are hopeful that you will work much more in the future.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: A person from Pir Baba has demanded a girl\u2019s high school in Abazo Kandi.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is a genuine problem and this area needs a girl school. The basic problem is availability of land for school there.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: You require land free of cost?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There is a legal complication in this matter. Earlier the policy was that land owner was appointed as a class four employee in the school. This practice is stopped by the high court now.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Ibadat Khan has also complained about schools.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It would have been much better if the person could have mentioned the name of his village. We have missing facilities in sixty percent of schools in our province. We do not see any progress in regard to health and education sector by the present government. We need a potential education project.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: We have constantly asked you about your vision for your constituency. What are the projects that you would like to complete within next two years?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: My basic aim is to do my duty well and according to my abilities. I have a multi-pronged strategy for my constituency. My first priority is the provision of natural gas to the whole constituency. Second objective is to up-grade the power supply system.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Salma from Charsadda. If you remember, I handed you my CV a month ago. You promised me a job. All we sisters have done our master and have no jobs.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am trying to find you a suitable place but you also have to apply for some posts.<\/p>\n<p>Salma: I will apply for the posts in education hoping that you will help me.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will help you but you also have to make some efforts.<\/p>\n<p>Salma: I don\u2019t have your contact number and I don\u2019t know how to contact you.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am going to dictate a telephone number through which you can contact me. It is 03007350969. I have your number through your CV. I will contact you.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: It is Tehseen Ullah from Sherpao. We do not have gas connection in Alisha Qala.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Most of the places have gas connections but there are new houses constructed which have no gas connection.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: It is Farhad from Utmanzai. We have gas in the adjacent areas but there are almost fifty houses without gas connection. We are staunch followers of the party but have not received anything in return.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Shahab from Langari. Our transformer is often out of order. We collect money and repair it but government should provide us with a new transformer.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: How many people pay bill.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: There are a few people who pay the bills.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: (Laughingly), it is good to hear that some of you bother to pay bills.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We will try to provide gas connection as soon as restriction on new connection is lifted.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: It is Qadeer from Shuda Ghar. A gas pipe was provided to our village in 1998 which is over loaded now and we have low gas pressure.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is true that sui gas has low pressure there. We have proposed a scheme for that region but we are unable to undertake it because of gas restriction.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, please switch off your radio when you are connected to us through telephone. Secondly pay attention to us.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Arshad Khan from Azeem Khan Pull. We have a sui gas problem, although all the surrounding and adjacent areas have sui gas supply.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Today most of the people are complaining about it. I personally think this embargo is wrong. According to our constitution, all those areas will get gas on priority basis which produce gas. Our province produces gas in excess of its need.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It is also reported by Touqeer in the drop box that each year our village is affected by floods. He has requested safety against floods.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: That person has not mentioned his village but I may talk about it in a general way. I have also told you that I had completed a scheme for flood protection worth sixty million rupees. I have some other projects in my mind and I will complete them.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: There are many complaints about schools. Mr. Jan Muhammad says that government middle school Sherpao has paucity of teachers.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 We do not have any electricity at Shah Alam Pull Road.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: But it is in Peshawar. You should pray for the success of Sikandar to become a federal minister and be able to solve this issue in your area. Your MPA instigate people not to pay power bills. Dear listeners, we should also blame ourselves for making this issue such a serious one.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I endorse your statement but WAPDA officials have also too many flaws. It is two way traffic and we need to reform the whole system.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Arshad khan once again. We demanded sui gas but there is a serious problem in our area which is bad sewerage system. When it rains, we have water all around and cannot even go to masjid for a couple of days.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Mr. Arshad, you should contact me and I will try to help you.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Please bring such good people like Sikandar to interact with us. I am Javed Ali from Kalyas. We have repaired our transformer for six times but still it is out of order. We do not have any illegal connection in our village. We face sever load shedding.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: You were talking about the same issue a while ago.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Government has added too many surcharges in the bills. WAPDA employees use free electricity and distribute their line in the whole street at times. Corruption is also a major factor in this department and compel consumer to pay them bribes. Another serious problem is that officials take away the power meters and people are left with the only option to resort to illegal connections.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am talking from Charsadda Babara. Please listen to me patiently. A person came and killed my sister.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Have you registered an FIR with police.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Yes I have registered a complaint with the police.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Please come to me along with legal documents and I will try to help you.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Harichand Mandani. There is no gas in our village.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Dost Muhammad from Zyarat Sur Dhero. I want to pay my regards to all of you. My question is that I have been retired from Tangi College five years ago. My son faces problem to get my seat according to the quota for employee\u2019s son.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: You should approach me so that I may inquire into this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: There is greater chance that you may join the government soon. You are well aware about all the pertaining problems in your constituency. What is your priority list if you are in power?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Education and health along with flood protection schemes will be my priority.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Communication is also essential and I want to mention a bypass road in Shabqadar.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Yes indeed I am well aware about the importance of this road and I will put it in my next annual developmental plan.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Our valued listeners, I hope we\u2019ll keep meeting like this; giving you opportunity to interact with your representative – Sikandar – on your issues. It is good bye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong>Aired on: July 26, 2015<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/s6vCJq\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/s6vCJq<\/iframe><br \/>\n<strong>Pictures:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-1.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9779 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-1-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"26-07-2015 CH Charsdda (1)\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-1-300x168.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-1.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-3.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9780 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-3-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"26-07-2015 CH Charsdda (3)\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-3-300x168.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-07-2015-CH-Charsdda-3.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>Constituency:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0PK-21, Charsadda \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0<strong> \u00a0Province:<\/strong> Khyber Pakhtunkhwa<br \/>\n<strong>Parliamentarian:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan<br \/>\n<strong>Topic:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\n<strong>Moderated by: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0<\/strong> Mr. Shams Momand<br \/>\n<strong>Field based research report by:<\/strong> Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<br \/>\n<strong>Date:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of July 2015<br \/>\n(Aired on July 26, 2015)<br \/>\n<strong>Position: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 <\/strong>\u00a0Fourth Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong>Outline<\/strong><strong>: <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>\u201cSikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao is the elected member of provincial assembly (MPA) from PK-21 and is now a seasoned politician. He dwelt in detail on all the pertaining and outstanding problems in his constituency. He was the guest in the show for the fourth time. A lot of constituents called during the show and conveyed their concerns. It was good to see that some of the issues were explained with all the efforts made by the MPA. He seems well aware about his whole constituency and comprehended each problem readily with a clear future planning. Power and gas have emerged as the leading problems in his constituency. Health and education sector along with roads is making progress and he expressed his firm resolve to look into these sectors with greater concern in the future\u201d<\/p>\n<p><strong>Transcription<\/strong>:<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear Listeners, welcome in the show \u2018Da Halqe Ganta\u2019 (Constituency Hour). I am your host Shams Momand on behalf of CRSS. This program is aired once in a month through Radio Dilbar. Most of our people complain that they cannot access their MP after the election. CRSS tries to bring these MPs to the studio to facilitate live interaction with you. You know well that we have Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao as our guest from Charsadda who is an elected MPA from PK 21 Charsadda. I welcome you sir in the show.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: Thank you so much for inviting me here.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, we have another guest today who is a voter in this constituency. He is Masood Jan who belongs to Zem area. If you want to call Sikandar Sherpao to ask something or have your voice heard, then you can call us on 0916515093. This program is a continuation of the efforts by Youth Democrats Academy (YDA) where issues of PK-21 are discussed in meetings with the youth of this constituency. YDA has also installed five drop boxes at different places where you can also drop your complaints.\u00a0 First drop box is in Sherpao hospital. Another at Sherpao bazaar, one at Zem, one at Kanewar and the fifth one is at Tangi hospital. First of all I would like to know about the problems mentioned in the last two programs whether you have resolved any of them and tell us about your efforts in this regard?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am really grateful to CRSS and YDA for giving me this opportunity.\u00a0 Since the inception of this program, my contact and relation with my constituents has been increased. As you asked about my efforts, I may tell you that developmental projects take time. But one of our sisters contacted us last month who was handicapped. She had applied for a job in education department under special quota. I talked to female EDO (Executive District officer) about this issue. These jobs had already been advertised and candidates were interviewed as well. Some of the posts had been filled but I had recommended her to the education authorities and I am hopeful that she will be employed soon. She needs to be encouraged because she is a special person.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Your effort is praise-worthy. For the last two months, your party is in dialogue with the ruling party to enter coalition once again. If you could please brief your constituents about this whole affair?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I was expecting this question from you since the beginning. These are political matters and need time and thought. It never happens that with just one meeting, the settlement is reached. Dialogue is in progress and it is a positive discussion. We need to consider the pertaining problems of the province and we have no desire to join the government for power. We want durable alliance with the ruling parties which may last in the future as well.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Dayan from Omarzai. My question from our MPA is that he had been an Irrigation Minister and what has he done for his area during his capacity as a Minister? What progress has he made?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: It is a relevant question because we have a rainy season and floods are all around. I have given a statement yesterday that it was needed that planning should have been done after the floods of 2010. We started a project called Munda Dam which was discontinued after our government. It was a good project to have safety against floods. When I was irrigation minister, I created ownership for Charsadda when I created the irrigation department in Charsadda. I started a mega project worth 65 crore as protection against floods. Jendi River revamping was another project worth 55 crore rupees that we started.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Haroon from Omarzai. I want to highlight the problem about WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority) officials. I am a laborer in the bazaar but there is always overbilling against me. I consumed forty units last month but I found it 120 in the bill. It is unjust and outrageous. We donate money and repair our transformer. We are poor people. Their behavior is rude and insulting.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Sadiq from Katalang. I do not know about your show but I dialed the number and it was connected.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Thank you anyway. Sikandar, what about the first caller and his complaint?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: It is a genuine problem with our people. Our WAPDA officials force our people for illegal means. Our people are compelled to pay a very high rate for electricity. The caller told how he is mistreated and forced to resort to illegal consumption. The procedure is not good and it has nothing as relief for the consumers. My advice for Mr. Haroon would be to contact me or my friends and I will discuss the issue with the officials.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Masood Jan is also here and I would like him to tell us about the major issues in his area that should be addressed by the MPA?<\/p>\n<p>Masood: My first question from Sikandar Sherpao is about the plight of Tangi hospital. It was so good when Aftab Khan was our Chief Minister. There is paucity of doctors and other facilities in that hospital.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I want to ask you that when will the result of FSc be declared?<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Call us after one hour and we will brief you.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Tangi hospital is the main hospital in the area which was established by our Leader. There was a time when patients were referred from Charsadda hospital to this hospital because it was so good. But at present, its condition is worse. I have taken some steps for the uplift of Tangi hospital, Sherpao and Jamalabad RHC (Rural health Center). I want the up gradation of all these three and I am hopeful that it will be done soon. I have talked to DG health and relevant minister for the availability of doctors.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: It is often perceived that all the MPs try for new schemes for various reasons but do not pay attention to the already existing schemes. Check and balance is lacking in our system. You can ask about the maintenance and available funds for this hospital as an MPA.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: It also depends on the policy of the government. If there are no budgetary allocations for maintenance and repair then we cannot do anything about it. It is also a pity that opposition members are not cared about by the treasury. I have raised this issue in the provincial assembly but still no practical steps have been taken.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Fazal Amin from Camp Karoona in Nowshera. Mr. Sherpao is doing well for Charsadda and his party is so good. We voted for Pervez Khattak and made him elected but now we are punished for it. Our village along the Motorway is full of problems and I want Sikandar Sherpao to do something for us.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Iqbal from Tangi Gulabad. We want to thank Sikandar for his efforts in the province. I want to ask him that it is mentioned in the newspaper that Quami Watan Party (QWP) is again joining the government. Is it true?<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Gumbat area in Tangi. I want to tell you that we are facing severe load shedding. We have always voted for QWP but my brother and cousin are educated but still can\u2019t find job.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Noor Ullah Jan from Sherpao. I want to mention that our hospital should be upgraded along with our schools.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I have already talked about health sector. A degree college has also been approved in PK-21 along with a few high schools. Unemployment is a big issue but at least we can try to resolve this issue. Electricity is another major problem and we need awareness among our people about loses and how to cover it.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Masood Jan, you talked about Tangi hospital. What is the second major issue?<\/p>\n<p>Masood: I may mention the roads in Zem. There are some roads which are in worst state and I want Sikandar to look into this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: We may talk about it after the report by Ayesha Tehseen from Charsadda.<\/p>\n<p><strong><em>Field Based Research Report:<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cMy name is Najeeb Ullah and I belong to Sherpao Ali Shaw. We had been promised to have a separate transformer. Poles have arrived but still there is no transformer. We repaired the old transformer ourselves. We do not want anything else but at least we must have a transformer.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>This was a laborer Najeeb Ullah who complained that why poles are not installed by the MPA. Zaid is another resident who is complaining about the plight of hospital and demands a separate ward for children,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cThere are no facilities in the hospital. There is no separate arrangement for women and children. We need a separate hospital or at least a ward for them. Roads are also not good and we face problems while transporting our patients. Most of the hospitals are used as a private practice places.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Sher Zada; who is chief technician in Tangi hospital says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cIt is a good hospital with good equipment. We have a post of dental surgeon who is not available to us. We have an x-ray machine but we need a technician to operate this machine. But the important problem is the low voltage of electricity because this machine cannot be run with low voltage.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Islam Jan is a daily wager in Sherpao bazaar. He has the following complaints from his MPA when he says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cPoor people are not taken care of but only people with a good car are valued. Sikandar Sherpao is not doing well as compared to Haider Hoti in Mardan.\u00a0 These people have been in power for so long but have done nothing for the poor people.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Farooq who resides near the Hujra of Sikandar Sherpao seems to be satisfied with Sikandar Sherpao when he says,<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>\u201cWhether it is Aftab Khan or Sikandar Sherpao, they have done well for us. Retaining walls are being constructed along Jindi River which will give us safety against floods. We need small projects for irrigation and protection against floods.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Shams: Dear listeners, welcome back after the report in the show. Mr. Sikandar Sherpao, you listened to the report but Masood also talked about roads in Zem. But Rural Health Centre was once again mentioned in the report and with the same problem of lack of facilities. When a technician is transferred from the hospital in your constituency and is not replaced then we can imagine the plight of far flung areas.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: This technician has been recently transferred. All the transfers are made from Peshawar. We need a decentralized procedure to resolve such issues. The present government claimed good changes in the health sector but nothing is done. We have paucity of health staff everywhere. According to the statistics, per population doctor are less in the whole country and not in our province alone. Nurses and technicians are not according to international standards. Government ought to pay attention to it because we must use the existing facilities for the benefits of our people.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Farid Ullah from Qaroon Dheri. I want to request Sikandar Sherpao that we are in dire need of gas facility and he should provide us this facility.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Farooq Shah. We have a few problems but Sikandar Sherpao has not resolved it. We have one kilometer road which not concrete. Our girls approach schools in far areas and our demand is that our primary school should be upgraded to a high school.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I may start from the road issue mentioned by Masood. Actually, we need good roads all around. Unfortunately I had been in the opposition and could not receive enough funds. Presently, from Zem Rest house to Silgaro Karono, a road has been approved. A road from Gujar to Nazamabd has also been approved. Another road from Khan Mir Village to Ajab Khan Village has also been approved with allocations of roads. We have also irrigation canal roads in the constituency that have been approved. But the process of hiring consultants and tender procedure may consume some time. It was mentioned in the report that poles in the Ali shah village are a problem. My part of the job in this regard is to identify the project and get it approved. But the problem is that WAPDA has a defective line of action. Sometime cables are missing and sometime poles are not there. There are 36 items to get a project completed by WAPDA but unfortunately something is missing all the time. I have been reassured by WAPDA officials that it will be completed soon. A huge amount of money has been deposited by me with WAPDA since one year but still projects are incomplete. Masood talked about sui-gas issue, I have already said that Prime Minster has imposed a ban on any new connection. This restriction is about to be lifted now and I have made a list of all the places that need gas provision including Zem. This list includes places from PK-19, 20 and 21. I am optimistic about it.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Farooq shah mentioned a one kilometer road and up gradation of a school?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I will look into the demand of road in that area. We need further land for up gradation of a school. Land acquisition is a major issue in up gradation. I will check if adjacent land is available.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Now, I would like to discuss a few problems reported to us through the drop boxes. Sahar Khan says that street crimes have increased in the locality because police is not doing well. Dawwod Khan says that shopkeepers sell according to their sweet will with no check and balance?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: Street crimes and robberies are emerging problems in our province. Police is concentrating on terrorism. I will consult the DPO to increase patrolling and attention. As far as prices are concerned, I will contact DC to have a check on the shopkeepers. Food department is also not doing well.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Marghan in Mandani and my name is Pir Zada. I have the complaint that our main road from Mandani has gas supply all along except our village. Sikandar Sherpao and his party was doing well till 1996 but now it lack the luster. Khalid is a good addition in their party and he is doing well. My request is to help providing us the facility of sui-gas connection.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Suleman from Gumbati. Hello, I am Nezam ud Dim and I am father of Suleman. My five children are crippled and I think Sikandar has not been informed about me. My son has applied for a job in NADRA and I want Sikandar Sherpao to help him.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: He will answer you shortly.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Mian Muzain Shah from Zem. We live near the police check post.\u00a0 A road leads to our village which is not concrete. I request Sikandar Sherpao to get it concrete repaired.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I advise the first caller to contact me through any means. Marghan area was not included in my constituency and Pir Zada must approach those who were his MPs. He did not mentioned when we provided gas to all the adjacent areas in 2000 A.D. Anyway; I will try to help them.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Mufeed Ayaz has mentioned through the drop box that our primary schools still have two rooms to accommodate six classes. It is ironical and why government does not do something about it.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: It is an error in the government policy. But new policy has been approved where rooms will be increased in the primary schools. Such generalized policy is not good for the whole province. We need to consider the requirements of each place and population. It should be on need basis. Future prospects should also be considered. Education department has to change their approach.<\/p>\n<p>Masood: Schools are needed in Zem. We have a high school but a higher secondary school is the need of time. Several of our poor students cannot continue their studies. We have another problem which is sui-gas load shedding. We are also faced with electricity load shedding of the worst kind.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Haji Syed Muhammad from Aryana in PK-21. I have two questions for Sikandar Sherpao. One problem is that in PK-21 and PK-22, we have main pipeline of natural gas but I request him to extend it to our area. Another problem is that Lady Health Worker (LHW) is a program which has no regular officers but officers come on deputation. These workers render services in polio campaign, floods and other natural disasters for which they are not paid. These workers have the problem of proper funding at present and they have to protest on roads for their demands.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Javed from Kharon Dera. Our village is replete with problems. Aftab Sherpao did something for us in 1996 but after that, there had been no improvement. We need natural gas and proper drainage system.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I will take up this matter with Khalid Khan who is their MPA. Syed Muhammad referred to an important matter. Survey has taken place and they will get sui-gas facility and proper metallic road in their village. The issue of Lady Health Workers is a serious one. There is some confusion about the funding between federal and provincial government after the promulgation of 18<sup>th<\/sup> Amendment. But government should own them and give them proper policy and cadre. They deserve payment for their extra duty. Polio is an international issue and funds are available from the international community. I will raise this issue in the provincial assembly.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Ijaz from Zem. Quami Watan Party has done a lot for us while all the other parties have left us aloof. Sikandar Sherpao has started several projects in our region.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: I may ask you Mr. Sikandar Sherpao that all the callers are praising you. You might be in league with them.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: I have no hand in it.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Shahab Ali from Zem. I am a political worker. I want to say that our party has already done so much for this region. We will win the election next time.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Farooq Shah and I called earlier about a school. I want to say that we are ready to allocate land for the said school.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Haroon and I want to ask Sikandar Sherpao that where I should bring my electricity bill.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: You may bring it to Sherpao and hand it over to my secretary Shah Jehan. I also advise Farooq Shah to approach me about land for school.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Shahid Muhesh has complained through drop box that small loan and grants should be provided to the people. Is it possible to grant loans without interest?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: It is a matter of general policy and government has to initiate such schemes. I will discuss this issue in the provincial assembly.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Gul Hussain from Shah Runge Mire. I offer special gratitude to Sikandar Sherpao and want to say that our electricity should be connected to another grid station and not from Prang Ghar.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Sherpao: Prang Ghar feeder is the one which supplies power to settled and tribal areas. It is overloaded and people also do not pay bills. I have already deposited a handsome amount of money but the problem still exists.<\/p>\n<p>Shams: Thank you so much dear sir along with Masood Jan. Dear Listeners, we have discussed several problems today. I want to mention the important problem of power failure. We have to realize that we need to pay our bills to have smooth supply of electricity. We have to do away with the culture of illegal connections.\u00a0 It is good bye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong>Aired on: June 26, 2015<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/pGmvq1\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/pGmvq1<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-06-2015-CH-Charsadda.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9623 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-06-2015-CH-Charsadda-300x225.jpg\" alt=\"26-06-2015 CH Charsadda\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-06-2015-CH-Charsadda-300x225.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-06-2015-CH-Charsadda-900x675.jpg 900w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/26-06-2015-CH-Charsadda.jpg 945w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p><strong>Constituency:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0PK-21, Charsadda-V \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 <strong>Province:<\/strong>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parliamentarian:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 <strong>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Radio Station:<\/strong>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Dilbar Radio<\/p>\n<p><strong>Topic:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<\/p>\n<p><strong>Moderated by:<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Mr. Shahab ud Din<\/p>\n<p><strong>Field based research report by:<\/strong>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<\/p>\n<p><strong>Date:<\/strong>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of June 2015<\/p>\n<p>(Aired on June 26, 2015)<\/p>\n<p><strong>Position:<\/strong>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Third Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong>Outline:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>\u201cSikandar Hayat khan Sherpao has good cordial and social relations with his constituents in PK-21 as narrated by most of the callers during the show. As an elected MPA from PK 21, he seems to be well aware of all the pertaining problems of his constituency but he lamented over the paucity of funds and the inadequate planning of the government as main causes for the delay in initiating developmental projects in his area. He stressed that opposition members are not provided sufficient funds to undertake projects which can ameliorate the situation. He expressed his partial agreement to the supposition that a local government system can solve many problems at the grass root level. However, he stressed the need for proper planning and organization of the local government system.<\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>Transcription:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, your host Shahab Ud Din is here with the program Da Halqe Ganta (Constituency Hour). This show is a continuity of efforts by Young Democrats Academy to bring constituents and MPA face-to-face in PK21. It is an endeavour by Young Democrats Academy where all those people can participate who cannot attend the weekly or monthly meetings. Your MPA Sikandar khan is here with us and you can also talk to him directly by dialing 091-6515093. I welcome you sir in the show.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Thank you very much.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, you have another opportunity to voice your concerns by dropping a complaint or comment in drop boxes installed at five places in PK 21. All you have to do is get the form, write your complaint and drop it in the dropbox. These places are Main Bazaar at Zem near a fruit shop, In Sherpao main Bazaar at Mumtaz Sweet seller, Rehman Ullah shopkeeper, Sherpao RHC (rural health center) and Kana wood super-store. Mr. Sikandar, first of all we should talk about the response of the constituents in PK21 after the activities initiated by Young Democrats Academy?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Parliamentary politics require long-lasting connections and bonding with your constituents. Although it is not possible to be in touch with all the people all the time but this activity has created a means to be connected with our constituents. It is a praise-worthy step and the feedback is excellent so far. People are appreciating it and on a personal note I may say that I have been connected to many new people in my own constituency. CRSS and Young Democrats Academy are doing well for the people and MPA\u2019s.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: The budget has been approved by the provincial assembly. It is good news that efforts are underway to take you back in the alliance. How far constituents in Pk21 can hope the new budget can resolve their problems?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have been offered a share in the government but still we have not discussed it in detail. We were not consulted while framing the budget by the treasury. I objected to it on the floor of the assembly that it is a flawed budget and funds may lapse again. Everyone wishes to get their problems solved but it depends on the party\u2019s decision to join the government or not.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: The budget is framed for the whole province after in-depth discussion and consultation but the opposition always objects that they are not consulted.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Budget is usually divided into three parts. One is an administrative section, second is about return of loans but the third part which directly affects the people is the developmental budget. Unfortunately, our province has been badly affected by terrorism, natural disasters and poor law and order. We need huge developmental funds. It is very unfortunate that opposition benches are never consulted and taken into confidence while framing the budget. There is a planning department but our trend is umbrella projects.\u00a0 Every region has its own needs and it is essential that the budget is framed accordingly. Our bureaucracy is also in the habit of avoiding hard work and creates ambiguity for its own vested interests. The Government should pay attention to it and the budget should be framed with thorough planning.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: What was the situation in the Budget for the last fiscal year in regard to your constituency? It is also true that the full budget has not been utilized.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: When budgetary allocations are not fully utilized, it has adverse effects on the whole province. Prices and cost of projects rise. It also creates financial problems for business community and labour force. We were allocated two schools in our constituency during the last budget but work has not been started till now. Paper work takes too long in our country. There was a 13 kilometer road to be constructed but it is still on only paper work. We received a project of revamping the river Jendi which is worth five crore (fifty million) rupees.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Will these projects be completed during the next years although these have been tendered?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am afraid these projects will be completed during the next fiscal year.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: On 18 June, CRSS took a survey in your constituency and most of the people showed their satisfaction over your performance. But we found 31 complaints in the drop boxes. Ibrahim Shah in Yousaf Khan Village said that they have a problem of drainage system.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We receive meager funds as opposition members. In social sector we receive two crore rupees which we have to divide among ten union councils. Each union council has a share of two million rupees which is certainly insufficient. Every region has the problem of electricity, sewerage and roads. I have tried to divide the funds equally among all the union councils. Some funds have been allocated for electricity which is a major problem. I am hopeful for receiving greater funds this year because we are going to receive some funds from the prime minister.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Abdul Baseer from Sherpao has said that improvement of schools is very necessary, especially girl schools.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 I am talking from Sherpao\u2026\u2026<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have already two higher secondary schools in Sherpao one each for boys and girls. We have approved a school but land acquisition is a problem.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Kamran from Tarnab. Our problem is we do not have a girls\u2019 high school in our area. We demand a high school.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Do you have a middle school in the area and is land is available with that school?<\/p>\n<p>Kamran: Yes sir we have a middle school for girls and there is a ground adjacent to it.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Availability of land for school is the major problem\u2026<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Sultan Shah from Sherpao. I want to say that our life and business are destroyed by the absence of electricity. Our MPA sitting next to you comes to us before the election but then he does not bother how miserable our lives have grown.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: That\u2019s why we have arranged this show to bring your MPA face-to-face with you. He will reply to you instantly.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will first complete my talk about schools. Government has a policy to acquire land through donation. The Supreme Court has also given its verdict in this regard.\u00a0 This issue is complicated in our villages. While load shedding is a curse for the whole country, WAPDA (water and power development authority) is also to be blamed.\u00a0 It is indeed a grave problem.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 Dear listeners, we will continue our discussion with our worthy guest but it time to listen to a report. It is prepared by Ayesha Tehseen in PK 21.<\/p>\n<p>Field based research report:<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao is the elected MPA from PK 21 Charsadda. His constituents hold the following views about his person and efforts\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cMy name is Gohar Ali and I belong to Mirza Dher. Many people are blaming Sherpao family but personally I appreciate them because they have provided us with gas supply. All cannot be done at once but they have good social connections with us.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Most of the constituents in PK-21 praise Sikandar for all his efforts but there are still people like Najeeb ullah from Band area who accuse him of not making any efforts to solve their problems related to broken roads and gas shortage.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI want to tell Sikandar that our road is in the worst state and we cannot move easily. Another matter is that we are still deprived of a gas connection.\u2019<\/p>\n<p>Belonging to Mirza Dager, Rashid says that Sikandar has announced to construct a college in the village but first he should resolve the problems confronted by primary schools.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cSikandar has asked us to locate a land for the college but I want to tell him that first we must have a primary school in our village. Our primary schools are overcrowded and we have just one primary school in the area.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Ashraf from Deldar Gharhi has requested Sikandar to build a hospital for them\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWe are in a dire need of a hospital because we have to move our patients to far off hospitals at Tangi and Charsadda. We are poor people and cannot afford long traveling with our patients.\u201d This was Ayesha Tehseen reporting for CRSS.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 Dear listeners, welcome back after the report by Ayesha Tehseen. Some of the people in the report appreciated the efforts by Sikandar while some of them still did not feel satisfied.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have already told you that every union council has to receive a meager amount of money which is certainly not enough to meet all the requirements of the locality.\u00a0 We can hardly construct a two kilometer road in the whole constituency. In regard to the problem of a gas connection, I already told you that a ban on new connections has been lifted and whenever it is possible, we will provide gas connections to our people. One constituent asked about a girls\u2019 high school in his village. But I may tell you that there is a dispute over land acquisition between two parties in the village. I am trying to resolve this issue because the school has already been approved. According to health rules, there should be one BHU (Basic Health Unit) in a union council, so Deladar Garhi has already one BHU and we can get sanction for another in the same area. Tangi hospital is in a bad condition at present and I have raised my concern in the assembly. I have been promised that new doctors will arrive soon.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Zota Khan. I want to pay Salam to Sikandar. My problem is concerning a high voltage power line which passes over my house due to which we cannot sleep on the roof. Please, get it diverted,<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This caller is not my constituent but I will try to help him.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Shahi Mulk from Tangi. Sikandar should pay two million rupees from his funds for electricity bills because we are poor people.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is commonly thought as if we receive funds in cash. But let me tell it is imbursed through a proper procedure.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 Please accept my regards. I am calling from Sarki Road and my name is Wahab Jan. I want to say that we are without electricity and natural gas. We are also citizens of this country and deserve to have both these facilities too.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: He also belongs to PK 19. It is true that there is load shedding for almost 20 to 21 hours in remote areas. Gas is also a serious problem in that area. It is an unfortunate practice in our country to discontinue the projects of the previous government otherwise they might have had gas connection till now.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Jannat Gul from Dhaki Mirabad. I just pray for the long life of Sikandar Khan.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: With the arrival of the new local government system, will it be possible to solve local problems?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There is always an ambitious plan for local government but with the passage of time the system deteriorates.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am calling from Charsadda paper mill and my name is Abdur Rehman. I want to ask whether the promises made to the constituents are even fulfilled?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is tried that all the promises should be fulfilled but it is not possible to be perfect.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: It is Syed Jan Mohmand from Dhaki. I want to make a request that since a few days our feeder is tripping and he (Sikandar) should do something about it.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will take up this matter with PESCO officials on Monday.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: You said that local government should be made a success. We know that 42 billion rupees have been allocated for local government. I want to know whether this money will be equally distributed among all districts?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: When resources are distributed, the National Finance Commission undertakes this matter. It is very necessary that a provincial finance commission should be chalked out to distribute these funds. Funds should be fairly distributed.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Provincial government has framed a committee for this purpose. It comprises of four Nazims and two MPAs each from the treasury and the opposition.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This committee should be expanded further. It should be represented on Divisional bases as well. Ideally, the provincial finance commission should have a representative from each province.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It is reported in the drop box that Shahi Moula from Sherpao has lamented over the price hike and complains that there is no check on the prices.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: No doubt there is great a price hike all over the country. According to economic survey of Pakistan, inflation has been reduced and per capita income has increased. But the fact is that our province has not witnessed any betterment in its financial position.\u00a0 The price check mechanism is flawed and there is no proper attention paid to control prices. I will raise this point in the assembly.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Abdul Malik from Sherpao has also implored that poor people cannot buy fruit and essential commodities.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is true that good quality is hard to find when you want to buy an item. The responsibility to control the prices lies with the provincial government. Government often announces subsidies for poor people but unfortunately that money was not utilized during the last fiscal year. It is a kind of failure for the government.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am talking from Sur Qamar.\u00a0 Our problem is\u2026<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Problems are somewhat similar through telephone and drop boxes. A person from Umeedabad has stressed the need for security in the region along with improvement in health and education.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Health and education sectors are facing several problems and we have reiterated that sufficient attention is not paid. We have a paucity of resources with so many problems to be solved. Prices are also not under control. All these problems result in a bad law and order situation.\u00a0 Law and order is a big issue. My constituency borders Mohmand Agency and we face some problems in this regard. There is no focus on law and order in the province. Extortion and robberies are on the rise.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Haji Zar Shed from your constituency has also stressed that developmental work is nowhere to be seen. Syed Usman Ali Shah from Sherpao has also lamented that there is no vet in their area. It is a pity that animals die there.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There is an animal husbandry in that area and I will see to it if they lack staff. As far as developmental works are concerned, I have already told you that we have limited resources. Moreover, process is also slow because of consultancy factors. Most of the funds lapse because of paper work. Time factor should be reduced to start the projects. We have 150 billion developmental budget but it should yield benefits to the public.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Kamran and I want to say that unemployment should be controlled and new factories should be installed.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar:\u00a0 The fact is that factories are installed when raw material is available. Private people set up factories and government seldom installs factories. We have lime and chromites resources but it needs proper planning and a better law and order situation. Our province is far away from sea along with energy crisis. We face financial problems but I will talk to the department of industry.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: During the last show you asked someone to come to you to solve his problem. Did you solve some of their problems?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: One of our callers was a disabled lady and I received her document. I am in constant touch with her. Posts were already advertised but I am trying to adjust her either now or in the coming days.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: I will refer again to the local government and ask whether you think this system will lessen the burden of the MPAs and MNAs?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will stress again that if the system is enacted in good faith with proper planning then it will be much beneficial for the general public. Many problems will be solved at doorsteps.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Thank you very much sir for being with us and talking to your constituents. Dear listeners, we will come again next month but let me mention once again, there are five drop boxes installed in your constituency for you. It is goodbye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #666666;\">Aired on: May 28, 2015<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/HNt78N\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/HNt78N<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shipawo.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9434 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shipawo-300x216.jpg\" alt=\"28-05-2015 Sekandar Hayat shipawo\" width=\"300\" height=\"216\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shipawo-300x216.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shipawo.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sikandar-Hayat-shirpaw.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9435 \" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sikandar-Hayat-shirpaw-300x236.jpg\" alt=\"28-05-2015 Sikandar Hayat shirpaw\" width=\"273\" height=\"215\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sikandar-Hayat-shirpaw-300x236.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/28-05-2015-Sikandar-Hayat-shirpaw.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 273px) 100vw, 273px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p><strong>Transcription \u00a0\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Constituency: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\nParliamentarian: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan<br \/>\nTopic: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V<br \/>\nModerated by: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Mr. Shahab ud Din<br \/>\nField based research report by: Ms. Ayesha Tehseen<br \/>\nDate: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Constituency Hour Radio Program for the month of May 2015<br \/>\n(Aired on May 28, 2015)<br \/>\nPosition: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Second Constituency Hour Radio Program in Charsadda<\/p>\n<p><strong>Outline<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao was once again the guest of the hour who is an elected MPA from PK 21, Charsadda. He explained at length all the efforts that he has made for the progress and development of his constituency. A lot of people called during the program and identified so many problems pertaining to their locality. Mr. Sikandar said that PK 21 is a backward area where most of the problems relate to infrastructure, health, education, irrigation, paucity of gas and power, and unemployment. He expressed his undeterred resolve and determination to work for the progress and the uplift of his area. He also appreciated the efforts of CRSS to bring the constituents face to face with their elected members of parliament.\u201d<\/p>\n<p><strong>Transcription<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, this is your host, Shahab, with the program, \u201cDa Halqe Ganta\u201d i.e. \u201cConstituency Hour\u201d. It is one of the programs out of the series of programs which is arranged by Young Democrat Academy in constituency pk-21 in which voters get to sit with Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao. This meeting takes place thrice a month in which the problems of people are discussed so that the way round these problems can be found. CRSS tries to provide an opportunity via this program to constituents who have missed to participate in the meeting due to some engagements. You can share your problems with Hayat Khan Sherpao who is present with us at the moment. Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao, you are welcome at the very commencement.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Thanks a lot, Mr. Shahab.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Those Listeners who could not participate with us in this program due to some engagements or obligations can fill the forms available at five different locations and can drop their complaints in drop boxes installed at these locations. Today, we too will share problems sent via drop boxes. One of our drop boxes is installed in a fruit shop in Zyam Bazar nearby a mosque. Another drop box is set near Mumtaz\u2019s Sweet Shop in Sherpao Bazar. Next drop box is established near Rehman Ullah General Store in Main Sherpao Bazar. Another is in Sherpao RHC. One is set in Kaniwarr Super Store as well. One can register his or her complaints using drop box via forms available on the aforementioned locations. You can share your problems with Mr. Sikander directly by calling us on 0092916515093.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Mr. Sikandar, you have listened to the problems of the voters of constituency Pk-21 in different meetings. What are the problems of your constituency?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: As our constituency is backward, most of the problems here are of infrastructure, education, health and electricity. Unemployment is another main problem. Gas is randomly available in Charsada. It has become an indispensible need nowadays. Paucity of gas is another problem. Clean drinking water is also a problem. Besides, irrigation has also been a problem of this constituency. These are the problems that constituents mostly demand solutions for.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Have you taken any steps or efforts for the solutions of the problems presented by constituents?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have been doing a series of meetings for the last six months. We have come across many problems. Some constituents demanded a bridge in Bacha Kalay i.e., Village Bacha. I started work on its construction. The bridge has been constructed successfully. A bridge was demanded in Katozai Union Council which is to be completed soon. A girls\u2019 school was demanded in Dawlat Pur Union Council which has been approved. Construction will start soon. There are other such problems which I have taken steps for.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Whose problems do you get the most in these meetings i.e. male or female?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Since IRI and Young Democrats Academy have started these meetings, we have been able to establish a contact with constituents. Meetings are fixed with males, females, traders, minorities, etc. We have had three meetings with females so far. They had concerns about health and education.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We presented some problems of people received via calls and drop boxes in our last program. Could you please shed light on the initiatives taken for their solution?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We received a complaint regarding \u00a0the lack of a science teacher at Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Sherpao. I have raised this problem in the Assembly. Although the Minister for elementary and secondary education was not present, I was given assurance that very soon a science teacher would be appointed at the aforementioned school.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Mia Rehman Ullah from Miagan Kandi Sherpao has shared a suggestion with us via drop box. He says, \u201cMr. Sikandar should be in contact with the constituents face to face in his constituency in order to listen to their problems. He should continue meeting the constituents in his Hujra i.e. village guest house twice a month.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I try my level best to be present in my constituency every third day as these constituents have voted for us.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Budget is around the corner. Have you presented your priorities to the government concerning \u00a0the problems of your constituents for the upcoming budget?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Unfortunately, umbrella budget has been practiced by every government. Current government is also going for it. Previous governments used to call MPAs in order to get their priorities, but the current government doesn\u2019t seem to practice this approach. We don\u2019t know on whose priorities the PND Department is preparing IDP. We have sent our demands regarding roads and schools via departments, but we haven\u2019t had any direct interaction so far with PND directly.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Naveed Khan, who is a resident of Tangi Salman Zai, shares his problem via drop box. He says, \u201cWe have got a problem of jobs in our area which is going from bad to worse day by day. Unemployment is increasing rapidly.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have got a caller at the moment. Sir, you may comment on it after we get the call.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Hazrat Ali from Harichand Sor Kamar. We have got a problem of electricity and route.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Mr. Hazrat Ali belongs to Constituency PK-20. I consider the entire district as one constituency. I will look into the matter by sending a person who will calculate the estimate. Afterwards, I will try to solve his problem.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: If you could please comment on the problem Mr. Naveed shared via drop box.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Unemployment is not only the problem of Charsada, it is the problem of the whole country though. Unfortunately, militancy has affected our economy to a great extent due to which unemployment has increased. We have got a stern stance on \u00a0Kashghar and Gawadar project. Our economy development is related to this project. This will not only increase our geo-strategic importance, but will also increase our geo-economic importance. We will overcome the problem of unemployment a great deal if the central government stays fair with us.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Mr. Sikandar, one of the complaints of your constituents is that you and Mr. Aftab Khan Sherpao should reveal the run-down of the fund he gets i.e., the constituents want to know how and where the fund is utilized.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have got six union councils and some other areas. I try to distribute the fund equally in our union councils. We give the fund to union council management. I keep one million rupees per union council which I distribute for the problems of the constituents when I personally visit them.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Gul Naar Nisar from Charsada Station Nobahar Colony No. 2. I have done CT and PTC courses. My B.Ed. is about to be completed. I have done B.Sc. Yet, I don\u2019t get a job. I appear for NTS Test every year, but it is fruitless. I belong to a poor family. I want to get a job so that I can be successful.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Okay. Mr. Sikandar will respond to your matter right away.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: First of all, you shouldn\u2019t lose courage. It is commendable that you have acquired this much education. If the caller could send her documents to me, I will talk to the education department in this regard.<\/p>\n<p><em>Field Based Research Report:<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Tangi, an area of Charsada Tehsil which is also known as pk-21, elected Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao as their MPA with a great mandate. <\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Noor Khan, one of the residents of Marghuzar which is a part of constituency pk-21, says regarding Mr. Hayat Khan: \u201cImmense work has been done in every sector i.e., health, education, employment, etc. The work done in this area is unprecedented. Roads have been renovated and constructed. Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao has spread gas all around. He has worked to solve the issues of electricity as well. It is worth mentioning that he is a great leader. There might be something lacking as he is young.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Not only Noor Khan, but Wazir Zada, who is a resident of Zyam, too takes the provision of gas as a favor. \u201cSikandar is worth a diamond for this constituency. No party has provided gas to them as yet. Development work done by Mr. Sikandar would not have been done by anyone else\u201d, said Wazir Zada.<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>On the other hand, some constituents have some grievances as well. \u201cMy name is Riaz. Many things are lacking. Main avenues and streets are unpaved due to which it gets hard for constituents to walk during rains. There is no gas for some houses. They have been complaining and suffering. We have been given less amount to pave our streets. The party of Aftab Khan Sherpao is a strong party, but his son isn\u2019t as good as his father. His son should start working soon.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Shakir, who is a permanent worker of Mr. Sikandar Khan\u2019s Party, too has grievances although Mr. Sikandar promised to do his work. He says, \u201cWe have been permanent workers of Sikandar Khan\u2019s Party. We are still with him, but we have some complaints. We have problems of jobs. Besides, we had a problem of a transformer which he agreed to solve, but it hasn\u2019t been solved since two years. We have voted for him and will vote for him again, but we are a little unhappy.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>Sher Mohammad, a resident of Khan Abad, appeals to Mr. Sikandar Khan to solve the irrigation problem. He says, \u201cWe have a problem of irrigation due to a road. We had an irrigation channel which we have constructed on our own expense, but it is blocked now due to a road. We called Sikandar Khan\u2019s Contractor several times. He said the problem would be solved. Whenever it rains, water puddles form there. We want Mr. Sikandar to talk to the contractor and solve our problem.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have got a caller.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Tabeer from Peshawar. My brother has applied for a police job many times but he has never got the job although he is well-educated.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: If you could please send his documents alongside mentioning this program, I will see what I can do.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have got another caller:<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Alam Khan calling from MC2 Charsadda. I have allotted land in Sheikh Abad for industry. No government has done any development work through which this land can be allotted to people for setting up industries, as a result of which unemployment can be eradicated.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: This piece of land was bought long ago, but the problem here is that when a project is left incomplete by a government, the following government doesn\u2019t complete it. Industries should be set up in Charsadda. Footwear and cloth industries should be set up here. The Government should focus toward this side. It will generate employment. We tried to establish a university of technical education. It was approved here, but then it was given to Nowshera.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have got a caller.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Laal Rehman calling from Harichand. We have got a problem concerning the route to our homes. We live near a watercourse. When it rains, we have trouble going home. Besides, we were promised the provision of gas, but there has been no gas as yet. Apart from this, the electricity poles are very far from us. There is no one to solve the issue.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We have another caller.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Riaz calling from UC Batagram. Pakhtoon rights are being ignored by the federal government. Provincial government isn\u2019t doing anything at all in this regard.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Inferiority complex is developing in lower provinces. Sometimes, it seems that the constitution is formed only for one province and the other provinces will be subordinate to it. This has been done as a result of policies of successive federal governments. Central government should pay attention to it.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: If you could please comment on Laal Rehman\u2019s issue as well.<\/p>\n<p>Sikander: He says that they live near a watercourse. This area falls into pk-20. He talked about his road problem, flooding and electricity. I will talk to the local MPA, Mr. Khalid Khan. Besides, I will contact Mr. Laal Rehman and will see what I can do.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Gul Hussain from Saraneai in PK-20. Our electricity comes from Prang Ghar and we have requested our MPA to connect us to Tangi feeder. We are having serious problems.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Rehamt Ullah from Tangi. Yesterday, Khalid Khan also paid a visit to our village and announced the construction of a bridge. We are very happy with him except we have one complaint. I was with Arshad Umarzai in the prison. My wife was in NADRA for four years and when the ANP government came, her job was terminated. I have registered my complaint time and again.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Please come to me along with concerned documents and I will look into this matter.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: People are mostly complaining about electricity shortage. One person has complained that he took a connection from the main line but he was penalized. Now, there are many people who have taken illegal connections and, he says that as they belong to Sherpao, nobody arrests them.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There is a complicated and serious scenario in regard to electricity. WAPDA officials are not competent enough to deal with the situation. The department itself is mainly responsible for most of the ills with regard to electricity. Our province generates more than three thousand mega watts electricity while our needs in the province are not more than twenty two hundred megawatts. There is injustice in the whole management system. People are ready to pay the bill if it is justified. WAPDA officials are mostly involved in illegal connections.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Some people are very happy and praised you a lot while, on the other hand, some are disgusted.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Projects in our constituency have been completed over the years, right from 1998. Unfortunately I have been in the opposition since 2002 while people are expecting too much. I realize that poverty and other problems are too much but we are trying our level best.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Jamal from Charsadda. I want to make a request about the meters installed by WAPDA. These devices are showing extra reading and are too fast.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: When the officials take away the meter from a consumer he is forced to have illegal connection. It is also alleged that the new Chinese meter run fast.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Jamshed from Shabqadar. I want to point out amatter concerning the road from Kangra. There is a canal along this road which is completely blocked.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Gul Nar. I want to make a request to Sikandar about gas provision. Another matter is that we do not have a university in the area for girls and we cannot get higher education.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: My caller sister was right about the problems. Gas was approved in 2005 and 2006. The previous government put a ban on any extension. The current government also put a ban. Luckily now, the ban has been lifted and we hope to have the approval of the second phase in the coming June. A university is also badly needed here but unfortunately,\u00a0 the government does not pay attention to opposition.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: But it is strange that in the presence of your father and yourself as well, you did not succeed in approving a university for Charsadda.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Our area was backward then and degree colleges were enough for our educational needs. Now we will raise this issue in the provincial assembly. The current government lacks any good policy for the construction of new universities.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It was told in the report that there is a problem related to the drainage system in your constituency. It does not need a lot of funds, then why has it not been solved?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Our population has increased at an alarming rate. People are constructing houses in the fields and everywhere. Projects are not according to the demands. I will check if I can do anything in this regard.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Muhamamd Maaz from Sherpao also reported that he is jobless although he is a software engineer.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will study his case. There are so many young educated people with no employment. Our province has suffered and the government has no policy to accommodate such people. There is no focus on creating new jobs jobs.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Raheem Gul from Omarzai. I went to Sherpao to make my ID card. Five thousand rupees were demanded from me in the office. What should we do just because we are poor people?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: After the incident of 16<sup>th<\/sup> December, the policy for ID cards has become a bit hard. There are serious problems in NADRA and our people are facing grave troubles.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Let us talk about the Annual Developmental plan. The fiscal year is coming to an end. Let us know how many projects have been completed in your constituency?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: The current provincial government did not utilize the whole budget allocations for the last two years. Some projects have been initiated in irrigation but projects related to education and roads\u00a0 have not yet started. Same is the case with other projects for various departments. The problem is that when funds lapse for a project, there are escalation costs. We have limited resources and the provincial government needs to pay attention to make the process speedy.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: If you could please tell our listeners about the health installations and schools that have witnessed any improvement during the previous one year?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I cannot claim any improvement in the health sector. The Government has a policy to have one BHU in a union council. But our union councils are spreading over such a large area that it may take hours to reach such health facility within the union council. There are three RHC in my constituency with one BHU in each union council. While in education sector, some projects are underway. One school has been approved in Kanawar. One upgradation is under process. There is also an upgradation in Sadar Garhi. A primary school has been approved in Gagar. My main focus is on girl\u2019s education. I want to establish a girls\u2019 school in each village.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Agriculture is also very important in this region. What are your achievements in this regard?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: My main focus is flood protection. I got sanctions worth sixty crore rupees for flood protection while I was the irrigation minister. There are some more fifty crore rupees for my constituency this year and I hope that a lot of work can be done with this huge amount. There was no ownership for irrigation in Charsadda. I created ownership for Charsadda and now our people do not have to go to other places like Mardan and Peshawar.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: If you could please comment in a few words on the efforts by CRSS to bring you face-to-face with your constituents.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I really appreciate this effort. We meet many people daily but through this program, we have contacted so many people who could not approach us. It is a good effort and it increases our focus on our constituency.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Thank you very much, Mr. Sikandar, for being with us and for listening and discussing the problems of your constituents. It is goodbye for now.<\/p>\n<hr \/>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #666666;\">Aired on: April 29, 2015<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"http:\/\/chirb.it\/wp\/1EzgDI\" width=\"300\" height=\"80\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"NO\">If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/1EzgDI<\/iframe><\/p>\n<p><strong>Pictures<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-5.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9437\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-5-300x228.jpg\" alt=\"Charsadda 29-04-2015 Sekandar Hayat shirpaw (5)\" width=\"305\" height=\"232\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-5-300x228.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-5-258x196.jpg 258w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-5.jpg 567w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 305px) 100vw, 305px\" \/><\/a><a href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-6.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-9438 size-medium\" src=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-6-300x232.jpg\" alt=\"Charsadda 29-04-2015 Sekandar Hayat shirpaw (6)\" width=\"300\" height=\"232\" srcset=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-6-300x232.jpg 300w, https:\/\/crss.pk\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/05\/Charsadda-29-04-2015-Sekandar-Hayat-shirpaw-6.jpg 551w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px\" \/><\/a><\/p>\n<p><strong>Transcription\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Series:\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Da Halqe Ganta<\/p>\n<p>Topic:\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 PK 21 Charsadda<\/p>\n<p>Date:\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 29-04-2015<\/p>\n<p>Guest: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Sikandar Hayat Sherpao, MPA from PK21<\/p>\n<p>Report: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Ayesha Tehseen, Charsadda.<\/p>\n<p>Anchor: \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Shahab ud Din<\/p>\n<p><strong>SUMMARY:\u00a0\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>\u201cPK 21 is an ancestral constituency of the Sherpao family in Charsadda and Sikandar Hayat Sherpao has been elected as an MPA thrice from here. Many local residents registered their complaints through live calls in the show and by dropping their complaints in the five drop boxes established by CRSS in the constituency.\u00a0 Sikandar Sherpao claimed to have done much for the area but also calcified that he had been in the opposition most of the time and it is a wrong and unjust practice that opposition members are not allocated sufficient funds to carry on developmental projects. He praised the effort of CRSS to bring the elected MPs in direct connection with heir voters through Da Halqe Ganta.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 Dear listeners, your host Shahab is here with the programme Da Halqe Ganta. I welcome you all. CRSS has tried to meet the expectation of people to talk to their elected member of parliaments. It is alleged that these MPs do not face their voters after being elected. Radio Dilber gives you this opportunity to meet and talk to your elected member of provincial assembly (PK 21) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Sherpao. You can ask him about your problems by calling us on 0916515093. You can also send us your message containing your point of view.\u00a0 We have also put complaint drop boxes in your area which will definitely reach Sikandar. Our drop boxes are established in Tangi hospital, Rehman shop in Charsadda, with Gul Zameer shopkeeper in Sherpao.\u00a0 I thank you Sikandar for giving us time in your busy schedule.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I am really thankful for your efforts. It is a good step and will bring us near our masses.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0 dear listeners, you are well aware with Sikandar and his father who are well known in the whole country. It is the third time that Sikandar is being elected from PK21. It testifies that he is a popular person in the area. Please tell us that when a person is being elected needs to reduce the problems in the area. You have been here for a long time and may please mention all the important efforts that you have made for your area.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: You know well that poverty and backwardness is too much here. We wish a lot but our resources do not let us solve all the problems. We try to represent our area well and serve our people. In this regard I may encompass the whole district Charsadda. I do not claim to have solved all the problems but people can testify that we are trying well to solve the major issues. Health is a major issue here. This department belongs to the provincial government. It is a fact that I had always been in the opposition. We have tried, nevertheless, to develop our area.\u00a0 We have tried to establish schools in the region but the problem is that land is not available for new schools. Government has a flawed policy for schools. Wherever we were able to acquire the land for schools, we have established the schools with up gradation of existing schools. I am personally interested in the development of girl schools.\u00a0 In the health sector, Tangi hospital was established by my father. Its condition is not good now and lacks many things. We have identified it time and gain in the assembly but could not get the desired response. A few days back I talked to the health minister and told him about the deficiency of doctors in the said hospital.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: The present government is paying much attention to the health sector. We will discuss it latter but I want to tell my listeners that is the address where you can also listen to this show live. \u00a0Coming to the topic now I may say that Hameed Gul from Sherpo has written us through the drop box that there is the problem of light and gas in Hameesh Gul primary school.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: there are almost 27 thousand schools in our province and fifty percent are without basic facilities. The problem is that provincial government and finance department pose many hurdles in this regard. I have noted this problem once again as I am already aware of it. You talked about the priority of the government and we have not witnessed this notion.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: But several new doctors have been appointed in health sector?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: There is severe shortage of doctors at present everywhere. We have not witnessed any improvement in health sector.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Ibrahim Shah has also written from Yousafabad that government primary school is without facilities and streets are not in bad condition. You have been an MPA for many years and such problems should have been solved?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have told you that we lack funds. People demand such development and I will try to allocate some funds in the next ADP.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: You are an MPA for 12 long years and I want to know any major projects for your constituency so far.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: In regard to irrigation I may tell you that Charsadda was divided into four divisions. Some areas were attached to Mardan, Malakand and Peshawar and our people faced several problems due to this division. I approved the reformed the divisions and now farmers do not have to go to Mardan and Peshawar. Head office is set in Charsadda. It is a major development and an SDO is now available in each division in Charsadda. Ownership is also created in regard to canals in Charsadda. I have also provided gas facility to a larger portion of my region. In Doulat Pora and Kharakai have gas facility now while Katozai area has also pipelines now. Flood protection after the tragedy of 2010 was also a major issue and I have approved a flood protection project worth 65 cror. Revamping system on Jendi river is also a big project. Similarly in regard to electricity, new electrification has been done in many places.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: \u00a0I am talking from Kanewar and my name is Shafiq. I pay salaam to Sikandar and want to say that there was the problem of road in our village. I am a worker of Qwami Watan party. You are our MPA and have never visited our area. When will you come here?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: The problem in that road is that it was to go through the village with a bypass. There was a dispute in the village and now it will be solved.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Gul Hussain from Sogiane. After Salam I want to say that we are satisfied with your performance. I am a political worker and I request all the workers not to fight among themselves and let MPA do his work.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Such workers are wise and good. Another caller is there\u2026. But the call dropped.\u00a0 Mr. Jan Muhammad has also identified the problem of school in Sherpao School\u2026.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Shah Zeb and I want to make a request that Sikandar also sits in assembly and you may please do something about load shedding.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Power is a huge problem in our rural areas where power is absent for long hours. There should not have been any load shedding in our province because we are producing power and energy. We have raised this issue and will do it again.<\/p>\n<p>Caller:\u00a0 I am Talking from Tangi and my name Abdullah Jan. I have a question for Sikandar and may ask that NA 8 is their ancestral constituency. Our road from Tangi to Palai Dam has been in worst condition for four decade. It should be repaired and constructed.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Palai Dam was a big project and it was started by my father.\u00a0 It is a fertile area and this dam has benefited the whole area. Once I added this road in my ADP but later on it was dropped by the reasury.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Masil from Rajar. We were never facilitated by anyone but now Sultan Khan has provided us with a few transformers. Our problem now is that we have problem of filthy water.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Mr. Masil you should have mentioned gas as well.<\/p>\n<p>Masil Khan: Yes indeed gas was provided by the late Bhutto and we are thankful for that.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: His village does not fall within my constituency but I know their problems. There is drainage problem and I will consult Sultan khan.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Our reporter Ayesha Tehseen has prepared a report about your constituency. Let us listen to the report.<\/p>\n<p>REPORT: Ayesha Tehseen, PK21 Charsadda.<\/p>\n<p>PK21 is an ancestral constituency of Qwami watan Party in Charsadda. People are of the view that Sikandar has done no good for the area and people are faced with many problems. Hezbollah from Salamanzo says\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cOur major problem is that our road is so bad that it is hard to walk on after rain. Our MP is well aware of it and all the people are really in trouble. \u201c<\/p>\n<p>Sabz Ali Khan is a person who says that all our girls are studying in Sherpao high school. He says that this school is in worst condition\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThere are no science teachers in this school and students are not enrolled for science subjects. Teachers do not attend the school on each Saturday. I request Sherpao Khan to pay attention to this school which is in their vicinity.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Sad ullah complaints about joblessness and is worried about the bad condition of roads and streets\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWe all are educated and we do not have any job. Our road is also not concrete. We will not vote for him this time.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Mr. Anzar Alam from PK21 declares Sikandar as mainly responsible for all their backwardness\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThey have done much in the past but after the appearance of Sikandar their efficiency is not good. Retaining walls are not there over river Jindi.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Alaf khan is a residence of Sherpao praises their work but also criticize them\u2026<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIn Sherpao area, jobs all over are a blessing of Sherpao family. We have light, gas .schools and hospitals but now there are roads in worst condition. Schools are also without facilities.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Dear listeners, welcome back after the report.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am talking from Rajar area. Our problem is that no meter reader comes to our area and overbilling is common. We expect that our MPA will help us in this matter. When we approach the office, they are in no mood to solve our problem.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Imtiaz. I welcome Sikandar. I want to say that all the problems want jobs and employment but it is not possible. Our people should show patience. People are mostly unaware about the current situation. We have always been helped by the Sherpao family.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have told you earlier that schools have several problems which is a jurisdiction of the provincial government. Teacher staff is lacking with other facilities. I have raised this issue twice in the provincial assembly but I think educational emergency has not been implemented as yet in Charsadda. Focus is needed on existing schools first. PTI has announced many things but no concrete evidence is there. They do not even know how many schools are there in the province. Now there is a new programme that teachers will come to your school but first they should make sure the presence of teachers in the school. PTI is talking about English as medium of instruction but many other things are needed.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: One person in the report told that Sikandar is not as efficient as his father?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: he was twice the chief minister and federal minister but I have always been in the opposition. Difference is evident because I have always been targeted.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: MY name is Kashif from Sherpao.\u00a0 My question is that now a days there are several political parties in Sherpao. People are annoyed with Sherpao family. I suggest that Sikandar should allocate proper time for the people and may meet them regularly.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I endeavour to meet and consult all the people which is humanly possible. It is a right with people to join nay political party.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: It was also mentioned in the report that people have the problem of employments. Mukamil Shah Shah also mentioned it in the drop box.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: the major responsibility lies with the government to provide jobs. I am in the opposition. Government should start such schemes which may generate employment. It is a serious problem and we need proper planning for it. We need to develop skills of the people.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: another complaint is from the drop box by Shahab Gul from Bacha Qala who says that they have gas and water problem.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Bacha Qala has the problem of gas and I am hopeful that soon they will have gas in their area. I have noted the drainage problem.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Ijaz from Zem Korona. All is well in our area and if our MPA was inefficient then we would not have elected thrice. Our provincial government is inefficient and is not doing anything for us. Sikandar has done much for us.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Fayaz from Malakano Kali and I pay my regards to both of us. We are satisfied with our MPA. He has done so much for us in the whole district. Thank you so much for inviting our leader.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am one of your sisters and I want to say \u2026<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: The call dropped. We have a message from Waqar from Umarzai who complains about gas and water.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Gas was brought to the whole area by our leader but now there is ban on gas supply but we are hopeful that soon the ban will be lifted and we will have gas everywhere. Water is a common problem in the whole province\u2026<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Zarshad from Sherpao. \u2026<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: There is another caller..<\/p>\n<p>Caller: Assalam U Alekum. \u2026.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We could not be connected.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Khan Bahadar from Chuncharo Khat. We belong to QWP and MPs have promised much but with no benefit. Where have all the funds gone.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I will take up this issue with Khalid Khan who is their MPA.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: People have praised you and have complained too. When you make promises to the people you do not mention that you can do all that if you are in power?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: A man is able to do whatever power and resources he has. But when a person is in the opposition then he can only wish to do well. It all needs resources. It is required that government should pay attention to all the regions equally. But unfortunately we have the wrong practice to benefit the specific areas. ADP has lapsed for two years due to the incompetency of the present government.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Local bodies elections are about to take place and the government has declared that 30% funds will be devolved to the local government. Will it solve the problems?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It all needs proper and judicious planning. It may solve some of the problems. Primary job of an MP is legislation. Bureaucracy is conspiring to engage politicians in petty stuffs.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Talking from Amirabad. A boy went missing from this area who is ten years of age. His name is Yasir.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Have you reported this incident to the police. Please write the number 03007350969. Please call shah Jehan who will help you in the police station.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab:\u00a0\u00a0 there is another caller..<\/p>\n<p>Caller: This is Anwar Khan from Bahadar Village. Thank you for inviting our leader. Our masses are deceived with the slogan of new Pakistan. I want to say that Sikandar is our leader and we value their presence among us. If people are worried now then I want to tell them that why have they chosen new people?<\/p>\n<p>Caller: My name is Sumeka.\u00a0 I want to ask a question from Sikandar that he should come to our area. We all are his party members and load shedding is worst here.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have noted your complaint.<\/p>\n<p>Sumeka: We also need provision of gas.<\/p>\n<p>Caller: I am Zarshad from Sherpao.\u00a0 People have many problems but some of these have been solved by Sikandar. We are thankful for constructing the bridge.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Is there any problem now?<\/p>\n<p>Zarshad: I appreciate this practice of coming over to us through radio and he should continue this practice.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Yes indeed he will be here with us each month. Now I want to know about your targets for the next three years?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: We have agriculture here and I want to pay attention to production. Gas and education is also my priority. I want to focus on girl\u2019s schools. Health facilities are also my priority. I will notify it time and again to the government. Roads are also in need of proper attention.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: when budget is presented in the provincial assembly then each MP is asked to present his own developmental projects. Are you asked as an opposition member to do the same?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: Umbrella scheme was initiated by the MMA government for each area. All the powers were vested with the Chief Minister and he allocated funds to each constituency. It was a wrong practice. The whole concept of development has been affected. It should be done away with now.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: We wish that the present government should do justice now. If it is done then whether you resolve all the problems as mentioned by our callers?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: we always try to yield benefit to all the people.\u00a0 I have noted down the problems today and will try to meet the expectations.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: One person complained that Sikandar does not come to his village.<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: I have been there yesterday but may not have met that person.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: How do you perceive our effort through this programme?<\/p>\n<p>Sikandar: It is indeed a very good practice and it enables us to meet our own people. I wish to expand the canvas of this programme to invite many more people.<\/p>\n<p>Shahab: Thank you very much for such kind words and your time with us. We will sit together again next month to talk about your constituency.\u00a0 Dear listeners, I have mentioned a few places where we have established a few drop boxes to register you complaints. Please come up with your complaints and we will surely include these in our show. It is good bye for now<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>Aired on: December\u00a005, 2015 If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/9HpAhP Pictures: \u00a0 \u00a0 Constituency: PK-21, Charsadda-V Province: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Parliamentarian: Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Radio Station: Dilbar Radio Topic: Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V Moderated by: Mr. Shams Momand; co-hosted by Mr. Shahab ud Din Field based research report by: […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":9181,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","template":"page_nodate_noimage.php","meta":{"_et_pb_use_builder":"","_et_pb_old_content":"","_et_gb_content_width":"","_monsterinsights_skip_tracking":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_active":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_note":"","_monsterinsights_sitenote_category":0,"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-9220","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"yoast_head":"<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v24.2 - https:\/\/yoast.com\/wordpress\/plugins\/seo\/ -->\n<title>Charsadda | CRSS<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/crss.pk\/young-democrats-academy\/charsadda\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Charsadda | CRSS\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Aired on: December\u00a005, 2015 If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here http:\/\/chirb.it\/9HpAhP Pictures: \u00a0 \u00a0 Constituency: PK-21, Charsadda-V Province: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Parliamentarian: Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Radio Station: Dilbar Radio Topic: Issues of PK-21, Charsadda-V Moderated by: Mr. Shams Momand; 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