The 40th radio program as part of the Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) counter-radicalization initiative Ulasi Taroon (Social Cohesion) was aired on October 26, 2018, on the theme of “The Pillars of Democracy”.
Both the guests on show including Ms. Shagufta Malik, Member of Provincial Assembly, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Mr. Fayaz, a senior journalist from Express Tribune emphasized that social cohesion is only possible once there is coherence, understanding and clarity of roles among all four pillars of democracy.
“Executive, judiciary, legislature and media are considered as four basic and essential pillars of democracy. The core constitutional values for peace and cohesion need to be respected and promoted for the socio-political and economic progress and democratic development of the country”, said Ms. Shagufta Malik in her opening remarks.
The executive, judiciary and legislature should only commit to execution, adjudication and legislation respectively; realizing their roles and working according to their jurisdiction. Such operation within defined constitutional limits can alone significantly foster democratic norms in the country.
As fourth pillar of democracy, there is a huge onus on media for professional and responsible presentation of the issues that concern the communities the most; undertaking participatory information programming in a dispassionate and impartial way. The success of a state depends on the successful performance of the institutions within their assigned constitutional functions.
The second guest on show, Mr. Fayaz was of the opinion that the interference of these pillars within each other’s jurisdiction is detrimental to the social integration and cohesion. Rather than making the counterproductive interference, these institutions should attempt to generate good results within their respective spheres of work instead. Coordination and exercise of powers within their limits will also result in good governance.
The media’s role for upholding rule of law and justice is also crucial and critical where it should undertake factual and relevant dissemination of community focused programming.
“The role of citizens to strengthen democracy is to exhibit tolerance for diversity and respect for others fundamental rights and opinions. Only by compliance with these ideals enshrined in the constitution can nourish democracy and cohesion in the country,” said Mr. Ansar Khilji during the radio report.
About Ulasi Taroon
Ulasi Taroon is a counter radicalization initiative of Center for Research and Security Studies that aims to address the radicalization challenges, extremist ideologies and foster social cohesion through a discourse anchored in the core constitutional values which are fundamentally essential prerequisites for social peace and harmony. The endeavor aims to cultivate and sensitize the people of KP in the core values in the Pakistani constitution and our social contract. It’s an attempt to highlight the criticality of abiding by these ideals – such as adherence to rule of law, primacy and sanctity of constitution, equal citizenry, responsible citizenship, respect for fundamental human rights, tolerance for diversity and different opinions, inclusive democracy and good governance – as a measure of fostering social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.