The 45th radio program as part of the Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) counter-radicalization initiative Ulasi Taroon (Social Cohesion) was aired on November 30, 2018, on the theme of “Interfaith Harmony”.
The first guest on show, Mr. Gurpal Singh, a representative of Sikh community, noted that the world is like a bouquet and different religions are its colors. We should respect all the faiths and live peacefully, in harmony. If people study their own religion in detail, they will definitely respect the faiths of others. He emphasized that the interfaith harmony is one of the most critical needs of our country to prosper and succeed and it can be achieved by exhibiting tolerance towards one another. Some hostile elements will always try to disrupt the peace and only by displaying tolerance and understanding, can we coexist peacefully and achieve harmony.
The second guest on show, Mr. Hassan Madani said that there is a dire need to promote acceptance and tolerance for and of others opinions and diversity respectively. Interfaith harmony not only demands harmony among the religious leaders from different faiths but also the cohesion and harmony among the followers of the different faiths, and that can happen only through mutual understanding, respect and trust. It will also foster the individuals’ freedom of practicing their own religions as equal citizens.
The guest on call, Moulana Jalil Jan added that the prophets and elders of all the religions should be respected and valued; as a duty of the believers of different faiths. No prophet should be insulted on the name of freedom of expression as no religion on earth allows to disrespect others’ faiths.
“All the religions have common basic teachings. Peace, love, humanity, acceptance and truth are the common values; enshrined not only in the tenets of Islam but also the Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha’i Faith, Sikhism and others. Unless all the believers of different faiths cultivate and nurture acceptance in their attitudes, interfaith harmony and peaceful coexistence may not be possible,” said Ms. Nasreen Naz in the radio report.
About Ulasi Taroon
Ulasi Taroon is a counter radicalization initiative of Center for Research and Security Studies that aims to address the radicalization challenges, extremist ideologies and foster social cohesion through a discourse anchored in the core constitutional values which are fundamentally essential prerequisites for social peace and harmony. The endeavor aims to cultivate and sensitize the people of KP in the core values in the Pakistani constitution and our social contract. It’s an attempt to highlight the criticality of abiding by these ideals – such as adherence to rule of law, primacy and sanctity of constitution, equal citizenry, responsible citizenship, respect for fundamental human rights, tolerance for diversity and different opinions, inclusive democracy and good governance – as a measure of fostering social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.