Critical Thinking Must for Objectivity in Journalism

The importance of objectivity and critical thinking in journalism is paramount as it separates truth and facts from propaganda and dogmas. As a matter of impartial reporting on issues of communal and national concern, the journalists must not convey their own opinions, feelings or biases in their reporting to ensure dispassionate coverage.

These ethos of journalism were discussed during a training workshop “Working for Collective Peace and Development: How to Defeat Fake News”, organized by the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) for Baloch journalists representing different districts of Balochistan.

Mr. Zaigham Khan, Political Analyst and Columnist, The News, noted that only through access to credible sources of information and critical mindset, can a journalist inform the public opinion positively. A huge onus lies on the broader journalism fraternity to prevent the truth from being distorted and separate their biases from profession.

Mr. Iftikhar Shirazi, Bureau Chief, Dawn TV, emphasised how the proliferation of fake news on social media has become a major concern in recent years. An alarming trend in this regard is how people tend not to critically evaluate news which happens to resonate with their preexisting beliefs. Responsible journalism – as well as citizenship – demands verification of the sources of news and only share ones with evidential support.

Given how the adversaries of Pakistan have been systematically promoting dogmatic narrative and fake news and information to polarize Pakistan’s minority groups, religious sects, and ethnic communities, the regulation of social media becomes crucially important to safeguard the sociopolitical fabric of the country already dealing economic and security challenges.

Mr. Sabookh Syed, President, Digital Media alliance of Pakistan, stated that the role of journalism goes way beyond merely helping with the flow of news and information where it can effectively deter hate speech and foster an environment that accommodates and respects different viewpoints.

The way media deals with different public and national issues and shapes the desired narrative and public opinion clearly manifests the heightened stakes and onus on the journalism community.

Ms. Fauzia Rana, Associate Producer, Aaj TV, emphasized on how digital media is the biggest platform being abused for the disseminating false information with distorted facts. Deepening political polarization in Pakistan provides an ample space for twisting information, which could worsen Pakistan’s internal and external vulnerabilities.

Stressing the importance of critical thinking as one of the factors key to counter misinformation and fake news, the Executive Director, CRSS, Mr. Imtiaz Gul noted that the young journalists should develop and practice critical thinking on how to truthfully report the information and question preconceived notions and narratives about media.



I am also a member of National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Information and Broadcasting. Recently, we held a meeting with the Director General of Radio Pakistan and we told them to initiate such local programs (like Constituency Hour) in regional languages to educate and inform people. Even Indian Radio can be heard in FATA which is being used for propaganda purposes and must be closed. Therefore, we should launch some standard and quality programs like CRSS that will change the taste of the listeners.

Soniya Shams

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar