Showcases | Stories

COVID-19 Needs Gender Inclusive Humanitarian Response: Ombudsperson KP

COVID-19 Needs Gender Inclusive Humanita...

Only by reporting the incidents of harassment and other violations of their rights, and choosing to seek legal services available to them, can women prevent such traumatic and......

Turning Crises into Opportunities | CRSS Ulasi Taroon Workshops

Turning Crises into Opportunities | CRSS...

The latest rounds of Ulasi Taroon Online Workshops featured Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Nuclear Physicist and Renowned Academic, and Dr. Jamil Ahmad Chitrali, Institute of Peace and......

Ulasi Taroon Online Workshops Continue to Empower Youth During Pandemic

Ulasi Taroon Online Workshops Continue t...

The third and fourth rounds of Ulasi Taroon Online Workshops discussed the topics of Rule of Law and Interfaith Harmony, respectively, with around 40 youth leaders from different.....

How COVID-19 Can Impact Democracy |CRSS Ulasi Taroon Workshop

How COVID-19 Can Impact Democracy |CRSS ...

Every crisis has a profound impact on our way of living and governance. Same is the case with COVID-19 which poses a number of public health, economic and democratic challenges......

Responsible Citizenship, Role of Youth to Tackle COVID-19 Figured Prominently During Ulasi Taroon Online Workshop

Responsible Citizenship, Role of Youth t...

The role of youth to tackle COVIC-19 figured prominently during the first round of Ulasi Taroon Online Workshops, organized by the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS).....

Change Yourself and Witness the World Changing Around You: Speakers at Peace Summit

Change Yourself and Witness the World Ch...

 Youth is an energetic state of mind and not just an age related phenomenon. Power lies in education where with power of pen, one can never be oppressed and tyrannized. Democracy.....

Constitutional Education Must for Rule of Law: SSP Operations, Peshawar

Constitutional Education Must for Rule o...

Rule of law is a situation where every citizen respects and obeys the laws promulgated by the legislature. Knowledge of laws concerning one’s area of activity in the society is......

Constitutional Awareness Must for Responsible Citizenship: SSP Operations, Peshawar

Constitutional Awareness Must for Respon...

Responsible citizenship demands respect for the constitution and all those laws promulgated by the legislature - both at the provincial and federal level. Pakistan’s youth – over.....

Ameliorating Social Intolerance Must to Uphold Rule of Law: SSP Operations, Peshwar

Ameliorating Social Intolerance Must to ...

Citizens’ knowledge about rules, regulations and law of the land is vital to uphold rule of law in the country. Responsible citizenship means and demands strict adherence to and......

Public Feedback Vital to Inclusive Democracy, Good Governance and Indiscriminate Accountability: Speakers

Public Feedback Vital to Inclusive Democ...

Human rights and economic stability are the key components of national security and a stable democracy, and young people can play a key role in this regard. The mainstay of......



“For the past nine years, I have been living in Pakistan. Being part of different youth initiatives here has allowed me to witness the incredible warmth and hospitality of the Pakistani people, and how they empathize with young Afghans like me. The Pak-Afghan Youth Peace Initiative by CRSS has helped me realize my potential as a youth and refugee leader. I’m determined to spread the messages of peace and friendship that I am taking away from this fellowship.”

Zainab Saee

Afghan Refugee