Executive Summary: In the month of March, 2016, a total of 18 radio shows were aired under the Sabawoon (the dawn) program. We collected 26 reports from our reporters from...
Sabawoon Showcase: Right to Public Services Act Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and Its Commission’s Performance
April 11, 2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the Right to Public Services (RTS) Act...
Sabawoon Showcase: Harnessing Future Leaders (HFL) Program, a Youth Leadership Initiative of CRSS.
The Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the Harnessing Future Leaders (HFL) program, a youth leadership...
Sabawoon Showcase: Beautician Training Courses and their Business Prospects
March 17,2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the beautician courses and their business...
Sabawoon Showcase: Significance of Local Government (LG) Representatives and their problems
March 10, 2016, Peshawar:The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the importance of the LG representatives...
Sabawoon Showcase: Status of Female Education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)
March 10, 2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the staus of female education focusing on...
Sabawoon Showcase: Lack of Female Participation in the Social Decision Making Process
March 2, 2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the lack of women’s participation in the...
Sabawoon Showcase: Status of Afghan Refugees and Government Planning.
February 22, 2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the status of Afghanistan’s refugees...
Sabawoon Showcase: Regional Review on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)
February 16, 2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was on the regional review of the role of...
Sabawoon Showcase: Health Community Protests and Effects on Female Staffers
February 15, 2016, Peshawar: The Center for Research and Security Studies’ (CRSS) flagship radio program Sabawoon’s latest episode was about the effects of Peshawar’s health...
“For the past nine years, I have been living in Pakistan. Being part of different youth initiatives here has allowed me to witness the incredible warmth and hospitality of the Pakistani people, and how they empathize with young Afghans like me. The Pak-Afghan Youth Peace Initiative by CRSS has helped me realize my potential as a youth and refugee leader. I’m determined to spread the messages of peace and friendship that I am taking away from this fellowship.”