Dr. Fazal Hanan, FATA University, F.R Kohat



Illiteracy is one of the major social issues of Pakistan. Education plays a vital role in the overall progress, uplift and development of a society or nation. The nations who remain behind in education and research from others become slaves. Education for all is the need of today as it brings light & prosperity for a nation. Without education no country can go forward in the competition of socio-economic growth in the world.

Some of the main factors responsible for illiteracy in Pakistan society are:



Remote location of schools

Unavailability of schools

Unhygienic condition of schools

Disinterested students

No parent’s teachers association

Untrained teachers

Unqualified teachers

High Dropout rate

Poverty of parents

Uneducated parents



Constructions of new schools

Condition of schools should be hygienic

Develop interest in students by engaging them in extracurricular activities

Parent’s teacher association should be strong

Teachers should be qualified/trained

Increase in enrollment of children

Policies focusing on reduction of poverty

Parents should be provided awareness regarding the importance of education.